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>> No.18992621 [View]
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Not sure what you mean by "ruined" anon but failure to enforce antitrust laws, automobile-centric urban planning, and discrepancies in local education funding strike me as central to the problems facing America today. If women couldn't possibly survey the situation objectively because they have an interest not to, couldn't you also argue men have an interest in skewing the situation as well? After all, I'm assuming you're upset because you don't think women want to settle down, which isn't the case. Hookup culture exists but not everyone takes part in it. Your attitude is characteristic of sensationalist outrage culture that has poisoned discourse in this country across partisan lines

If you think these are the most pressing problems facing the West today, you've never lived in a place where people have had to confront life-or-death struggles, and this simply betrays where your interests are. Congrats. I hope you don't make the mistake of talking shit at your workplace believing all men agree with you. Also, I'm not sure why you would want to compete with the quantity of syllabi of graduate programs.. common sense dictates they're not supposed to have many classes because they're independent studies or seminars lol. Another pseud who thinks he has the world figured out but hears nothing and sees nothing. Much like Freud

Cut or uncut?

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