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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.15102044 [View]
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A few months ago, I started thinking about quitting my job, but it occurred to me that I didn't really want another job, I just wanted to stay home and do nothing. At the time this was a very sad realization since I knew I'd probably never have another "summer vacation" time in my life again to just stay home and be unproductive for weeks. Then, as if answering a prayer, corona happened.

I'm honestly loving it, my job still pays me to "work from home", but I've maybe worked for 5 hours total the past two weeks. It feels amazing not having to go into work every morning. My work group has weekly zoom meetings and I can just tell from the body language of my coworkers that they're all miserable and out of energy, they barely say anything in the meetings. Meanwhile, I'm feeling bright and talkative, which is a complete reversal from how our meetings would go before lockdown started.

Today, one of my coworkers expressed dissatisfaction with the lockdown and basically asked our boss if she could bend the rules to let people start going back into the office. Hearing this filled me with rage. I didn't sperg out, but I did rattle off some stats/data that the "experts" have been saying to dissuade this kind of talk and prep the group for a longer lockdown. I don't think they suspect that I actually don't even remotely care about them getting sick or spreading the virus, I'm just a lazy degenerate who wants to get paid to do nothing.

I'm not ready for it to end. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over, I don't want to go back to wage slave life. I'd gladly trade not being able to travel or go to restaurants for continuing my paid NEETdom.

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