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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22498378 [View]
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Which books should I read to become an aristocrat of the soul?

>> No.21661775 [View]
File: 294 KB, 900x788, 981 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vgh retvrn to traditions
>No, not the christian tradition, that's a decadent faith
>No, not the pagan religions, they're dead
>No, not the buddhist traditions, you need to follow my reconstructed pre-denominational buddhism based on my poor knowledge of sources and autistic ramblings
>btw animism le bad!
Did anybody ever understand what the fuck Evola believed in? Was he just another megalomaniac modernist who idolized archetypes and abstract concepts of tradition instead of deities or transcendent laws?

>> No.21574070 [View]
File: 294 KB, 900x788, 1647428504710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ hivemind is the meme trilogy and the western canon according to Bloom.
You have been subverted not by the /lit/ hivemind, but a group of 8-12 twitterphilosophy discord-trannies who have no life at all outside of shilling their shitty seventh-rate thinkers in fringe online spaces where they aren't likely to be banned.
Congrats faggot. Not only have you ignored the bulk of the western culture your purport to champion, you have done so in a way that ensures you'll be ostracized by the people who actually champion it.
GG, enjoy the magic, and remember that for Guenon, being an opium addict is a prerequisite for being "le mystic".

>> No.20657627 [View]
File: 294 KB, 900x788, julius ebolajak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Umm yes magic is real but it's not actual magic like you imagine it's just meditation and chemistry but it's still magic because le umm...it just IS, okay!?

>> No.20430531 [View]
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>> No.20404198 [View]
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>> No.20396845 [View]
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Probably on twitter, like all the rest concerning Evola.

>> No.20346251 [View]
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>entire generation of young minds who could have become brilliant if they had read Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Frege, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Whitehead or Heidegger became slobbering retards instead because this meme and joke of a man was pushed by a select few permanently online twitterphilosophy edgelords
It is genuinely a god damn tragedy.

>> No.20292592 [View]
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As you wish. Of all the cringy twitterphilosophy by permanently online and depressed-due-to-no-deadlifts incel turbolosers, Evola takes shared first place with Mark Fisher. Evola in particular has ruined an entire generation of young minds, some of which might have amounted to bountiful intellects if they had applied themselves and read Aristotle, Kant, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Whitehead or Pierce instead of obsessing over twitter e-celebs who still cannot make the distinction between that which is cool and that which is edgy.

>> No.20236159 [View]
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>an entire generation of young mindshave been lost because cringy extremely online twitterfags think magic is cool and have convinced others that it is too
Just read Aristotle or Kant, please, for the love of God, some of you might have potential if it was only given a minimum of nutrients.

>> No.20216959 [View]
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The same as he meant with everything else he wrote, namely pic related.

>> No.20207828 [View]
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>> No.20073441 [View]
File: 295 KB, 900x788, 1635696341074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sum up your favorite philosopher's thoughts with one image.
I'll start: pic related.

>> No.19738016 [View]
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The fact that squishily pwogwessive magazines with some article sweating about Evola is an indictment of them, because again, they're worried about an edgier version of Jordan Peterson for directionless basement dwellers primed for any form of new age self-help nonsense that can be smuggled in with a dork-friendly veneer. These are people who want to learn about how not jacking off will amplify their innate masculine essence, not practical problems.

The Nazi Party was killing Polish civilians and communists in the Freikorps during its embryonic stage of development. Evola sustained a comfortably inconsequential war wound to give him a veneer of legitimacy and then spent the rest of his life as a useless slug too unimportant to execute as an example.

That's the difference. And that's also the difference between the German interwar far right and the current far right in that, with a few notable exceptions, the latter is ruled by an extreme fear of death or even mild discomfort, let alone death over ideological disputes at the hands of the precious few muscly mascot-exploiters of their lonely dude folk therapy group.

First as tragedy, then as farce gets a whole different meaning if you realize the equivalent for Evola in 2017 is Kekistan. This is your destiny.

>> No.19313580 [View]
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