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>> No.20807073 [View]
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Don't do this to yourself. You need to integrate the nightmare world you live in at a higher level that makes sense of it. Become an inhabitant of a higher, more encompassing world, by realizing you always already were an inhabitant of that world, and then look down from that height on this apparent "reality" with all its "well-adjusted" monsters. When you see the contingency and inversion of the current mundane "reality," how it is the exact inversion of what any normal human society naturally manifests in the absence of utterly bizarre forces working to the opposite and abnormal effect, you will just pity all the fucking freaks who thrive in it.

They will still be annoyances, nothing can really take away the sting of having to pretend your open mouth eating littering red light running happy go lucky pig childless hedonist coworker is a fully grown human being, but at least you will just see her as the diseased monkey she is and you can be far more efficient in removing yourself. There is a lot less sting in "This world is pretty fucked up, I'm going to make it my priority to move somewhere relatively agrarian and chill, shame I'll have to tolerate this crap in the meantime" than in your unconscious mind blasting "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE??? IS THIS NORMAL??? AM I ABNORMAL FOR NOT LIKING THIS??? IS THIS HELL???" 24/7, just under the surface, while normies notice you're not smiling at the Marvel movie on the screen and go out of their way to chide you.

>> No.20123038 [View]
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>> No.18903937 [View]
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Robert Malone's wikipedia page was deleted mysteriously

>> No.18898055 [View]
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This, I don't object to the vaccine itself, I object to the precedent it is setting that the state can "medicate" you "for your own good." Agamben has gone completely fucking insane about this recently as recent threads have shown, and for good reason. If you're a real student of Foucault's biopolitics, or anything philosophically similar about the "management" of the human being down to his constituent atoms by the technocratic state and its neoliberal skin-suit, you should be terrified.

But of course, all the "students of Foucault" at today's universities are flouridated docile cattle whose only instinct is to listen to the smart talking heads on MSNBC. The polished ethnically ambiguous rich people told me it's good, and they're so "sophisticated," it must be good.

All of this is a run-off of neoliberal consensus culture, politics as entertainment, starting with comedians like Jon Stewart. The goal was to spread the diseased conformity culture of coastal elite socialites to the much more independent and "off the grid" mentalities of the rural and producer states. The internet, TV, and social media especially allowed every flyover joe schmoe to think he's tapped into the "right side of history," to feel like he's a part of the smug coastal elite set if he chidingly regurgitates their opinions to someone who hasn't "caught up yet."

They are using these zombies to push more and more docility, more and more complaisance and compliance about the therapeutic state running your life. Of course they would do it first with something relatively benign. But tomorrow it's 5 mandatory booster shots. Then it's 10. Then it's that you need to be on them forever. Then it's state medication of "insurgents." Then it's state gene modification to promote "wellness." The antichrist is coming.

>> No.18838446 [View]
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>> No.18834729 [View]
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We have now, in fact, reached a point in human evolution — and all that I am saying is in accordance with the apocalyptic presentation — when in a certain way humanity is confronted by the need for a decision. We have already shown that in our age an enormous amount of mental and spiritual energy is used to provide for the lowest needs; we have shown how the telephone, telegraph, railway, steamboat and other things still to come have absorbed a tremendous amount of spiritual force; they are only used for the mere satisfaction of lower human needs. Man, however, has only a certain amount of spiritual force. Now consider the following: Man has used an enormous amount of spiritual force in order to invent and construct telephones, railways, steamboats and airships, in order to further external culture. This has to be so. It would have gone badly with humanity if this had not come about.

This spiritual power has also been used for many other things. Only consider how all social connections have gradually been spun into an extremely fine intellectual web. What tremendous spiritual force has been expended so that one may now draw a cheque in America and cash it in Japan. An enormous amount of spiritual force has been absorbed in this activity. These forces had once to descend below the line of the physical plane, so to speak, which separates the spiritual kingdom from the abyss. For in a certain way man has actually already descended into the abyss, and one who studies the age from the standpoint of Spiritual Science can see by the most mundane phenomena how this goes on from decade to decade, how a certain point is always reached where the personality can still keep a hold on itself. If at this point it allows itself to sink down, the personality is lost, it is not rescued and lifted into the spiritual worlds.

This may be illustrated by the most mundane things. I could prove it to you, for example, in the details of the development of banking affairs in the second half of the nineteenth century. Perhaps it is only for future historians to show clearly that a fundamental change then came about which we may describe by saying that in banking affairs the personality was gradually shattered. I should have to draw your attention to the time when the four Rothschild's went out into the world from Frankfurt, one to Vienna, another to Naples, the third to London, the fourth to Paris. The whole of banking affairs was then brought into a personal sphere by the personal talent directed to them. The personality immersed itself in finance. To-day you see banking affairs becoming impersonal, they are passing into joint stock companies; capital is no longer managed by a single personality. Capital begins to control itself. Purely objective forces are working in capital, and there are already forces in this realm which draw the will of the personality to themselves, so that the personality has become powerless.

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