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>> No.11918351 [View]
File: 252 KB, 1200x945, http_%2F%2Fa.amz.mshcdn.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F10%2Fberkeley-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a brilliant analysis, anon. and it's one of these things i think also: the world as *editable text.*

>From the imageboards to Instagram, from fanfiction to youtube, the universal theme of online life almost requires participation. This is the most recent overarching development in the entirety of art, and its consequences are impossible to discern. But those of us young enough to have been raised after the onset of the social media economy have also become the first to be natives of this collaborative evolution of the machinic world, a metamorphosis to match the social and creative impulses of the people that comprise it.

exactly as you said it. vidya takes over from cinema, imho, but the world itself becomes gamified, and online presence is actual presence. even threads like these...

>But it seems to me that it shows the exact transition that Mumford begins Art and Technics by hoping towards. We now use technology to create pieces of data which serve no purpose to us, to capture the minutia of our experience and emphasize the beauty of the inconsequential interstices of human experience. There is beauty in that, and it is a uniquely human beauty.

i wouldn't change a word of this. well said anon.

i've been looking for an excuse to use this image for a while now...this seems like about as good an opportunity as any. the cinematization of cinema...

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