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>> No.24061545 [View]
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There is no way people in this thread actually read Brandon Sanderson, right?

>> No.23693762 [View]
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>It pisses me off that he says closure is bullshit
I may be misremembering, but I think he was talking about the idea that putting a criminal in jail, or executing him results in "closure" for the victim(s).

I like Ellroy, particularly American Tabloid and the Big Nowhere, but I get the sense from your post that our tastes don't really align. Me, I just like the genre of crime fiction when it's done right, with some of my favorites listed here: >>/lit/thread/S23002019#p23002601

>> No.23608500 [View]
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What are the prerequisites to writing a thorough polemic against Jordan Peterson's worldview?

> be me
> underemployed law/IT graduate
> have read: Augustine of Hippo, Aristotle, Burke, Blackstone, Jean Calvin, de Maistre, Kant, Jung, Marx (and Marxist-Leninists including Lenin, Stalin, multiple biographies on Lenin and Stalin, Furr), Plato, Rosenberg (and Hitler), Yockey
> have not read: David Glantz, Solzhenitsyn

Is Solzhenitsyn the only thing left to get a background to antagonise him in writing?

>> No.23604654 [View]
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What books can you splurge 4169.93 AUD (approx. 2791.93 US dollars) on?

>> No.23588717 [View]
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You will not allow it into your fortress of solitude, but Keith Lemna's Trinitarian Wisdom would help you begin to understand (we can't get much past beginning), and to have hope.

>> No.23320593 [View]
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Even if I make it I'll always be jealous of the power that music has over people, the ability to invoke emotions so potent in only 3 - 5 minutes is unreal.

>May it be - Enya

>> No.23292200 [View]
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Simenon, Dirty Snow

Hubert Selby, The Demon

Maupassant, Bel Ami

>> No.23110542 [View]
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I might finally finish The Fellowship of the Ring this weekend (I've been reading it for 9 months)

>> No.20656379 [View]
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Only read words with capital letters and speedread through everything else. Your eyes will instinctively over time process the words you speedread through like logograms.

Books you genuinely enjoy and agree with the author on will be more successful with this method than the books you don't like.

>> No.20653530 [View]
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I definitely find it sus that Palamas developed an entire theology - his tortured essence/energies "distinction" (which he variously argued was and was not an actual distinction) - just to make sense of an alleged (prelest?) mystical phenomenon (the hesychast monks). It is rather like Luther developing an entire theology out of his "Tower Experience" moment of mystic revelation -- even though that theology required him to effectively (if not in actual fact) dispose of the Epistle of James, which rather tends to condemn the orthodoxy of said theology.

>> No.20607838 [View]
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Literally not a single book has been recommended ITT.

>> No.20546422 [View]
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> Jump from capital letter to capital letter.
> Skim through everything else

>> No.20456143 [View]
File: 183 KB, 483x470, 9F7DAB86-7E24-4870-8050-F0E6220B3448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“A handful” of something is almost never a few of them, it’s almost always either a lot of them or none at all
>a handful of pebbles
Thats a lot of pebbles
>a handful of cars
That’s either no cars, or just a small piece of one car
>a handful of songs
That doesn’t even make physical sense. Why do people use handful in this way, it never made sense

>> No.20417346 [View]
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>check reading log
>Back to February - the majority of the books are disagreeable - comments include "rubbish, drivel, garbage, madness, boring, sophist, slog, meh". Only one instance of "based"

Why do we read what we hate?

>> No.20399191 [View]
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Literally is no point in discussing anything such as physics, chemistry, biology or under unless they're changed their metaphysics. The metaphysics that has to be comprehended Heraclitus' river. Just as it is impossible to step into the same river twice, it is impossible to be born into the same "Platonically real" species twice. Modern biology is nominalism.

>> No.20387161 [View]
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Theology, grandmother of Bolshevism.

Feuerbach says to find meaning in a phrase, look in its concrete subject as opposed to the abstract predicate.
"Classless society". Abstract predicate classless, society subject (because there is no apparent current classlessness, but there arguably is a society). 'Classlessness' is contained within 'society'.
An abstract predicate is indistinguishable from Being (read Aquinas AND Feuerbach), the highest ideal.
We speculate from experience: "Society is Being without Family nor Friends." (Because what else is 'society' if not the political organisation beyond the blood family, beyond common friendship?)
"Society is Being without Family nor Friends". Whereas the common theist is able to instinctively comprehend Aquinas' Analogy of Being even without Aquinas himself and thereby become content through relating the natural order within their life (Family and Friends), the sociologist, stripped from the Form of Fatherhood and the Form of Sonhood, feels no Spirit because their appears no Family nor Friends for them (c.f. the Holy Family and the 12 Apostles).
Therefore the Sociologist, to approach Truth, Beauty and Goodness, cannot approach it as a common believer from within daily life. He must approach it in a surrogate activity. With no agency in his life, he must imagine himself at the helm of Plato's Ship of State, as the Philosopher-King himself, as if he has seen the Sun or at worst, think he IS the Sun (i.e. Solipsism). To affirm his own little "I am", he must pretend to be "I AM". From there, his purely pneumatological being (i.e. Hegel) is affirmed by data, statistics, economics, politics, geopolitics, secular religious studies and metrics in all sorts of birds 'eye view ways.

The realest thing to the sociologist is society. Being is Society.


> Without Friends nor Family is Society. (The beloved Good of all the friendless and those with mangled fathers).
> Being is without Friends nor Family.
> Being is Society.

>> No.20379435 [View]
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How the fuck do reactionaries measure "decay"? It clearly isn't a quantitative measurement in-itself and decay is no apparent substance. You can't measure it with a ruler, a compass, a watch, a scale, a chromometer or even otherwise mathematically. Is "decay" just some metaphysical abstraction of disregard for tradition? Metaphysically projecting that Others have more power against those traditionally with power?

The three measurements of the HDI are GDP per capita, literacy and life expectancy. Inequality-adjusted HDI also measures inequality. Literally wtf is "decay"? Is it the alienation of traditional family values from your subjective Being? Is decay a society being too "open".

Even if I suspend materialism for a moment and follow Berkeley, "decay" isn't even an ideal mathematical quantity. No unit for decay.

Is it literally just the disappearance of fatherhood norms? If so I do not lose much because unfortunately the only father I ever knew was a mentally ill dysfunctional one, so I lose nothing from positivistically saying that Being is more linked to HDI, GDP, Literacy, Life-expectancy than any norm of fatherhood. No need for reactionary romanticism and idealism.

Where is this "decay" substance?

>> No.20352193 [View]
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>girl asks zodiac sign
>say gemini
>it's apparently a "bad one"
Wtf bros?

>> No.20293810 [View]
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It is not practical to speak of a "matter-independent reality" so why is it practical to speak of a "mind-independent reality"?

(As distinguished from solipsism, we speculate there is one "mind" which all humans share in, just as there is one material cosmos.)

>> No.20246198 [View]
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>Fuck off

>> No.20223138 [View]
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What other forums or communities about books do you recommend? I'm interested in fantasy and non fiction.

>> No.20196559 [View]
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What's the (academic) philosophical response to all the strides made in science over the past 40 years? Have any thinkers written extensively on the philosophical implications of quantum, string theory etc, or tried to use them as basis for their system of thought?

>> No.20152405 [View]
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I'm right . Fuck off with replying to my post if you don't address the question

>> No.20139292 [View]
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Well anon, considering the original tweet says "most foreigners" and you decided to make it all about model minority asians, conveniently ignoring the much larger population of lastinks. This should've been your strongest point, as the average American has much more in common with those stinky home depot beaners than they do with west coast asian wannabe WASPs! Unfortunately, you don't understand that "integration" does not mean "excelling", but your blinding racial prejudices may one day be lifted to reveal coherence to you.

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