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>> No.23127973 [DELETED]  [View]
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imagine being Mark Fisher

you luck out and get to do your PhD at Warwick right as one of the most interesting movements in contemporary philosophy is at its peak and everyone there is convinced we're on the brink of a neo-cyberpunk techno-leftist cultural revolution but then you notice their prose is actually way better than yours like ouch way better and you don't understand mathematics or thermodynamics like Land does and you'd never be able to translate an entire text of Lyotard like Iain Hamilton Grant and you couldn't believe it when you walked in on Land screwing Sadie Plant in the ass wtf you thought she was a dyke but you finish your PhD anyway even if you had to whip up some gobbledygook about Toy Story being the epitome of capitalism's uncanny reterritorialization of existence near the end to pad the word count holy fuck what were you even doing and Brassier won't shut up about Laruelle and honestly his brand of nihilism seems way cooler than yours but this Graham Harman guy seems neat he likes Lovecraft and the latest Goldsmith workshop was a smash hit everyone assures you but no one seems interested in talking about cybernetic Oedipus anymore Grant has moved on to Schelling and Land is sober and you still can't believe he got to fuck Sadie Plant but you have to shit out another essay about how The Clash and The Jam exemplify some arcane element of marxism through whatever bullshit Lacanian lens god you wish you had went with the Qabalah schizo stuff like Land (who got to fuck Sadie Plant) and now he's an altright nazi or something on Twitter and Zizek just mentioned you in some stupid lecture goddamnit now you'll have to respond in some blogpost and tie it into big pharma and Kubrick and Lacan (yet again) oh and be sure to use "jouissance" and Sadie Plant hasn't published a book since the 90s and the CCRU has decayed into really lame Accelerationist cliques and let's face it Capital Realism was a fluke you know deep down you've been typecast as "le marxist-gnome manlet music depression guy" and you're in your late 40s now and you just mentioned James Cameron and fucking Avatar in your latest superfluous essay and we were going to change the world weren't we where did it all go wrong but the rope's right there isn't it hell yeah it is

I mean holy shit just imagine being Mark Fisher

>> No.21709596 [View]
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please suggest all possible accelerationist works
these can be left or right wing, unconditional, cyberfeminist or other faggotry, i just want to read them all. this includes theory-fiction bullshit too. i just want to read all of it. thank you

>> No.18508009 [DELETED]  [View]
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>There is no sound of 2005
>If you could beam back any music from the 21st century into 1994 people would say "this sounds like what we have today"
Is he retarded, what 90s band sounds like Sematary or 100 gecs? Also how is he oblivious to the scenes and artists going on in the mid 2000s like Indie, Kanye, MF Doom, Boards of Canada etc. I want to believe he is speaking with some grain of truth but he just sounds like an out of touch boomer.

>> No.17757144 [View]
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Capitalist Realism is a meme but remains one of the most clear and direct works on this topic

>> No.17539625 [View]
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What did he think of 4chan? Did he ever talk about it?

>> No.17534794 [View]
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I'm not a leftie, but I definitely am anti-liberal and anti-capitalist and this book does a pretty good job attacking those two.
It starts very pessimistic, but ends on a note of hope, yet very minor and bugman bullshit about promises of lowering the level of beurocracy, but whatever.
Just goes to show you what the "deafult" is and what it's becoming.

I would advise reading Schmitt's "Age of depolitization and neutralization" for a right-wing approach and Gramsci's writings on cultural hegemony from "The prison notebooks" for a left-wing one. Both examples of this, but much more firm, traditional and whitstood the test of time, to help you grasp Fisher's ideas.

He is closely related to some idiot narcs, but try to forget that and just take what you read in the book itself.

Maybe watch a few youtube lectures/analysis or, even better, a 2007 documentary film series "The Trap" by Adam Curtis (author quoted in "Capitalist Realism").
You can watch it all here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okUydGWdmAA&ab_channel=AdamCurtisDocumentary

Short books leave you a lot of time for prep, so use it.

>> No.17406408 [View]
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>The problem with suicide, he thought, is that you can only do it once.

>> No.17117505 [View]
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My sister gave me Peterson's 12 rules for life, and, despite me not liking his stuff or him, I feel really moved that she took the money and time from her day to get me something, anything, especially something that would be of my interest (despite it not necessarily being Peterson).
She's a medical doctor (I think Schmitt said something about docotrs and politics, not sure tho) and doesn't really know much or bother with this crap of ours, but she asked the saleswoman what book would she reccommend and got it.
Far from something I'd want, but she means too much to me to be a retard about some leafggot and his gay book. Who knows, it might actually be alright.

So thank you, sister dearest :)

Also got Kissinger's "World Restored" and St. Augustine's "Confessions", which is so cash desu.

A blessed Christmas and mercy of our Lord and Saviour to you all!

>> No.16495404 [View]
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i miss him and graeber, bros :'(

>> No.16377530 [View]
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>why doesn't anyone want to go back to stalin and pol pot?? and give leftist continental philosophy "intellectuals" like myself our rightful spot at the top of society anymore?? this is capitalist realism, this is oppression
>*kills self*
whoa powerful...

>> No.16062355 [View]
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.15465555 [View]
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Is he worth reading?

>> No.15176780 [View]
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I know it's too late but like Mark...Just unplug the internet bro.

>> No.14925277 [View]
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>Also, any books to explain the appeal of this wave?
Read Fisher.

>> No.14756459 [View]
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Whycome Nazis and SJW both call people 'folk'?

>> No.14292940 [View]
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Read Mark Fishers Ghosts of my Life

>> No.14229858 [View]
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This. Zoomers want to distance themselves from Boomers but in reality they are just Boomers themselves. Liking newer things isn't enough to create an entire identity over

>> No.13642916 [View]
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>> No.13579813 [View]
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>> No.13538997 [View]
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>> No.13477672 [View]
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ouch, my heart, pic related is me putting my hand on my heart. Please stay there.

>> No.13466820 [View]
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>> No.13343290 [View]
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Yeah, history is over. Now is the time for reflection

>> No.12807536 [View]
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"According to Fisher, capitalist realism has so captured public thought that the idea of anti-capitalism no longer acts as the antithesis to capitalism. Instead, it is deployed as a means for reinforcing capitalism. This is done through media such as WALL-E which aims at providing a safe means of consuming anti-capitalism without actually challenging the system. The lack of coherent alternatives, as presented through the lens of capitalist realism, leads many anti-capitalist movements to not target the end of capitalism, but instead to mitigate its worst effects, often through individual consumption-based activities such as Product Red"


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