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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20532261 [View]
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Holy guacamole batman, this thread is filled with fags galore seething over OP's mention of straight.

>> No.20281481 [View]
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The weirdest dream phenomenon happened to me last night. My dad was randomly talking about wanting to move to Fort Wayne Indiana. A place I have never heard of in my entire life and have no connection to whatsoever. I wake up and immediately JUST KNOW Fort Wayne, Indiana is an actual place. I look it up and lo and behold there is a Fort Wayne Indiana. HOW DID THAT GET INTO MY BRAIN.

>> No.20033582 [View]
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>has giving money and food to poor people REALLY made their lives better?
smartest anti-capitalist

>> No.19845235 [View]
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>google "fantasy isn't real literature"
>hoping to read some good arguments
>every page result is arguing against that quote

Do fantasyfags have an inferiority complex or something?

>> No.19702538 [View]
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>4chan believes in the collective good
Anon are you retarded?

>> No.19633290 [View]
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>tfw 4chan is more reddit than tumblr because r/4chan has 1.2M subs but r/tumblr only has 1.1M subs

>> No.19307540 [View]
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With all due respect, which is none btw, your whole post is a mountain of garbage. It's essentially just a bunch of polite ad hom. You give me some smugly written psycho-analysis about how I'm hiding behind anonymity and that I'm not frightening (as if I'm sending death threats?), and then compare me to some Jordan Peterson fan as if that means anything (JP himself is a fan of Harry Potter and Disney movies, so...). And no, I don't post on reddit, I was referring to other people who get downvoted. Then you make appeals to academia which are just factually wrong, or appeals to redditors whose opinions I don't care for at all. Then accusations of what amounts to me being a snob, jerking myself off, "reductive narcissist," etc. Basically you didn't provide a single argument, you didn't say anything. You're just being a massive faggot.

My point is pretty straightforward. Genre fiction vs literary fiction is like McDonalds vs a quality dine-in restaurant. You can still enjoy the former of course, but to suggest they're on the same level, or to try to blur the distinction between them, or to start seething and coping because one suggests the latter has higher standards, makes you look retarded. All the criteria for what conventionally measures good writing - realistic character behaviour, powerful prose, ideas and dialogues that make us reflect on the real world - all attribute themselves way more to literary fiction, whereas genre fiction is more escapist/consumerist, it doesn't say anything new or interesting about our world or the human condition; and even if it does, it's never the author's own original thoughts and always in reference to someone else. Hardly anyone in English departments is analyzing Dune or Harry Potter or whatever, but Shakespeare and Proust will forever be talked about as if it's still new. It takes far more abstract thinking and cognitive development to discuss the meaning in Anna Karenina than Tolkien lmao.

I just think it's funny you accuse me of intellectual masturbation, then you posture by saying pretentious shit like "you can be dismissed on sociological grounds," "you haven't touched aesthetics," "your words are not frightening." Like Jesus this is the whitest shit I've ever read in my life.

>> No.17903452 [View]
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Do you have any idea how asinine it is to try to claim that a Jewish preacher from 2000 years ago believes in a 19th century left-wing ideology? One thing has nothing to do with the other. Politics is inherently rooted in materialism, and Jesus was essentially the opposite of a materialist. Most of what he said was metaphysical shit like God or the afterlife, it had nothing to do with class struggle or rich vs poor or any of that. Sure, he said it was very difficult for a rich man to enter heaven, because material possessions can distract you from God, but he never said it was impossible. There’s also rich characters in the Bible, like King David and Job, who both obviously went to heaven. It’s always annoying when midwits like you try to politicize Jesus by claiming, “But he said help the poor, so obviously he’d agree with my specific modern-day beliefs.” News flash: literally everyone across the political spectrum, from communists to ancaps to even fascists, claim that their ideology helps the poor. Everything Jesus said was apolitical and can be universally applied to humans everywhere, regardless of, say, what you think the tax rate should be.

>> No.17481038 [View]
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Lmao. Ask me how I know you’ve never read Sowell. For example, he supports environmental regulations. Read Basic Economics. The rest you said about irresponsible people is pure conjecture, this has nothing to do with Sowell’s work.

>> No.17271718 [View]
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English has

Japanese has
>literal degeneracy in the form of cartoons

When did you realize Japanese is a soulless language with no poetic or literary value to speak of?

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