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>> No.12748113 [View]
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What the fuck is the epistemic status and content of music, what is music metaphysically

What can I read that will explain what music is, metaphysically? If I see one more cognitive scientist's just-so story about how music "is" the evolutionary advantage provided by primitive apes being sensitive to harmony (what???), one more music theorist who thinks music simply "is" a set of arbitrary rules for performance lacking any phenomenological foundation, or one more superficial social theorist blabbing about music's Deleuzian utility in freeing the body without organs, I'm going to shoot him and then myself

I am far more interested in a phenomenology or metaphysics of music that would be WARY of music theory (as a phenomenologically unjustified, potentially sclerotic set of a prioris rules learned by rote without any sensitivity to their accumulated conceptual cruft or the phenomenal straitjacketing they impose), than in some music theorist fuck telling me that to appreciate Bach simply "is" to fuzzily learn the fuzzy rules of contrapuntal composition and then let my unexamined mental processes flit around haphazardly as I listen, occasionally constrained by the awkward and inorganic habit of going "Ah yes, I recognize that musical structure, and can picture the notation that corresponds to it"

I'm not saying that ISN'T music, I'm saying I want to see philosophical proof of this assertion before I possibly destroy my own soul by immersing myself in that thinking

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