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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23995814 [View]
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I only read non fiction so that's easy
It's great but I never want to read it again because it's so fucking long. If I spread it over two sessions like stopped at book 4, read something else then finished it I would have liked it a lot more.

>> No.23507151 [View]
File: 34 KB, 317x475, 22715538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find that if I blur my eyes in a fantasy/scifi/romance section in a bookstore all the books look the exact same. There are no distinct covers, there was one I found about some Dragon rider which looked good, but it was also not following whatever guidelines most of these books use.
>Why is it specifically fantasy though? I see plenty of decent covers even in niche non-fiction works.
Pen and Sword covers are unironically the worst published non fiction covers out there, if you see enough of them you will realise that they are probably all made by the same guy, they are passable otherwise. Other than hack job 20 minutes in MS Paint slop by independent authors. Check Penguin, any University Press, Oxford. All of them have great covers and are usually pretty tasteful that convey pretty well what you're going to be reading.

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