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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23910513 [View]
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Sid down, kid. I speak French and what's more is that I live in canada. I saw nothing wrong with any of the french in the book.

>> No.23902407 [View]
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Six bucks. Its was a copy of milk and honey from a thrift store. I've accumulated a marvelous collection of around 100 books over the last year and payed on average maybe 2 or 3 dollars per book.
>Shakespeare's complete works
>the Holy Bible
>a good few first edition Sir Walter Scott books
>Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar
>some good ol 50s and 60s Sci fi
>tonnes of old English classics
>V.C. Andrews
>fifty shades of grey
>Anna Karenina
>James Gleik
>Lady Chatterley
The list just goes on ans on.
All for less than five bucks a pop

>> No.23895768 [View]
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Hard mode:you may only post here if you have read and but then or are currently reading it.
I have not read it.

>> No.23360727 [View]
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That's where you're wrong kiddo. Not just anyone can scroll 4chan for the length of time that most of us here do. You have a gift. I have a gift. All anon newfag and a old-fashioned alike have the same great gift. We qre region! We do not forget! Expect us!

>> No.23303270 [View]
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>verification not required
>captcha: 8JST

>> No.22427835 [View]
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I want to know how DFW got those scars.

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