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>> No.18844495 [View]
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"By means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms -- elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest -- will remain, but the underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. 'Democracy' and 'Freedom' will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit." —Aldous Huxley

"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation" —Henry David Thoreau

"Life is slavery if the courage to die is absent" —Seneca

"In a world where home is only a ghost because both parents work, or because of too many moves or too many job changes or too much ambition, or because something else has left everybody too confused to maintain a family relation, I teach students how to accept confusion as their destiny. School is a twelve-year jail sentence where bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned. I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know." —John Taylor Gatto (New York State Teacher of the Year)

"Life is an eternal farewell from the swiftly passing days." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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