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>> No.17309199 [View]
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I don't know, sorry anon.

>This doesn't equate to Hate.
>Then what is it?
Why do Jewish Americans and Asian Americans outperform White Americans is most measurable categories? (Income, test scores, etcetc) Is it because there's some crazy conspiracy to keep us back?
No, it's because they're smarter than us in ways that contribute to socioeconomic success in this type of economy. It really is that simple. Why is it not that simple for the races that UNDERperform whites in America? You're taught it's because blacks are discriminated against in America. In reality, they are given a leg up in most situations, and still underperform.
Blacks are targeted by police? See picrel. Also remember that blacks commit over 50% of the violent crime in America, and interact with police much more than whites, so have more opportunity to suffer police brutality.
Blacks are discriminated against by the educational system?
Negative. They get into the same colleges we do with, on average, 200 points lower on their SATs. They are helped, not discriminated against.
Discrimination in employment? I don't even need to cite a source for this. The federal government (largest employer in America), every state government, and every company in the Fortune 500 has an affirmative action/"diversity" policy that hires based on race, helping them yet again.
You are taught they are discriminated against at every level of society and in every corner of the economy. The OPPOSITE is true; they are given a leg up, given special considerations, given help. And they still underperform Latinos, Jews, Asians, etc.
Understanding this does not mean you hate them, want to commit violence against them, want to take away their right to vote.
Understanding this means you are starting to understand that, like every single place and every single time throughout all of human history, you are growing up under a reigning ideology that controls information for the majority of people in the society. And parts of this ideology are not true.

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