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>> No.4966537 [View]
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Basically, what this anon said >>4966450

I guess debunk was the wrong word, but what else could I have used to make the question as concise and clear as it is?

I'm just looking for some arguments against hedonism because I like to challenge my own beliefs in whatever before choosing to believe in something. I learn more in the process this way. If I had never done this, I would probably be still stuck in the 14 year old 'nihilism' phase.

>> No.4456781 [View]
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>This entire thread.

>> No.4252209 [View]
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It's a huge waste of time and money.

A good therapist is basically a one in a thousand occurrence.

Most will listen to your bullshit for a few sessions, label you with some random mental illnesses off the top of their hands but will always add "mild" so that you don't panic but also don't feel all too mentally healthy and then they give you transfers for some numbing drugs that literally turn you into an emotionless drone.

Welcome to modern psychology.

A common session will be them asking you all sorts of questions, and no matter what the subject is it will always go back to your childhood through question-turning, answering questions with questions instead of answers, and basically leaving you with a very confused and slightly angry feel at the end of it all. You tell yourself "but wait, thats not even related why would he ask me that?" and then before you even finish that thought he blurts out yet ANOTHER unrelated question about your life. If you go back and ask the significance of the previous question you will either be answered with "We'll get to the later." or "A better question would be why would such a question bother you so much that you interrupt the session because of it?" But you didn't interrupt anything, you calmly asked for an explanation. And before you know it, you're confused as fuck and are already looking like a patient.

It's a very dirty and annoying game, more simple-minded folks don't notice these tricks and once they express discomfort and annoyance during the session they are answered with "That means we're making progress." and so they end up leaving feeling a sense of accomplishment and success but that's entirely false. People who are a little more perceptive and sharp notice these cheap psychoanalysis tricks and games and end up simply not showing up to the session thinking it's more trouble than it's worth to confront someone.

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