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>> No.12369439 [View]
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As all subjective meaning (Human meaning) is used by the subject (Human individuals each with their own subjective views but not humanity collectively
because humanity collectively does not exist as a hive mind and is an abstract concept) to observe its object (Existence and the Universe) there can be no possible way to ever find
out what objective meaning is
People striving for the impossibility of objective meaning are striving for a subjective wish that they know inherently isn't objective (Religion held by the grounds
of faith not science or rationality, science held by the grounds of physics laws denying an absurd existence or a god that would design a universe just to test
them through many differing subjective ideals with only one objective ideal being part of these various ideals) but wish for it to be genuinely
objective and for all other humans who lack this objective ideal to forcibly view it as objective themselves so that the collective force of humanity views
the object in exactly the same way and it becomes "Objective". This is the tragedy of the individual humans, what they strive for in every moment
of their existence will never be given to them. Even if the invidual human finds many other individual humans who share a subjective ideal
that they hold objective there is still no possible way that they will convince every other individual human to view this as objective so it will never become
objective and if somehow someone managed to unite every single last human on earth under a subjective ideal which everyone was convinced was objective,
the likelihood of this subjective ideal being truly objective is very, very, very slim and could be further from the truth so the entirety of humanity would be
convinced that they had discovered an objective ideal and yet they were a fooled race for eternity, fooled by the very thing they truly wanted, the object.
The subjects of the object exist to be denied their desires and true goal until their demise as perhaps a moment of punishment by the object towards the
subject for daring to exist and challenge it. Eventually the object shows mercy on the subject's constant suffering and striving for an impossible end and
so snuffs it out of existence. The only real objective for the human race is death. If they were to collectively die as a race out then it would at least finally
destroy the subject for good and grant this cursed and doomed species a final respite.

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