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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23336882 [View]
File: 319 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm Schopenhauer bros...

>Tetragamy adjusted marriage into an institution that would make life better for men and women, Schopenhauer theorized, because it accommodated the natural sexual and reproductive capacities of humans in ways in which monogamy did not. It also addressed the material and financial needs of all parties in a more rational way.

>Two young men should marry a young woman, and when she outgrew her reproductive ability, and thereby lost her attractiveness to her husbands, the two men should marry another young woman who would "last until the two young men were old." The financial advantage of this type of marriage would be considerable, Schopenhauer thought. At first, when the two young men's incomes were low, they would only have to support one woman and her small children.

This is what happens when you turn to Hindu coomerism instead of fully embracing Christ.

>> No.22199630 [View]
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>"It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulses that could give the name of the fair sex to that under-sized, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race; for the whole beauty of the sex is bound up with this impulse. Instead of calling them beautiful, there would be more warrant for describing women as the un-aesthetic sex. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art, have they really and truly any sense or susceptibility; it is a mere mockery if they make a pretence of it in order to assist their endeavor to please. Hence, as a result of this, they are incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything; and the reason of it seems to me to be as follows. A man tries to acquire direct mastery over things, either by understanding them, or by forcing them to do his will. But a woman is always and everywhere reduced to obtaining this mastery indirectly, namely, through a man; and whatever direct mastery she may have is entirely confined to him. And so it lies in woman's nature to look upon everything only as a means for conquering man; and if she takes an interest in anything else, it is simulated—a mere roundabout way of gaining her ends by coquetry, and feigning what she does not feel. Hence, even Rousseau declared: Women have, in general, no love for any art; they have no proper knowledge of any; and they have no genius."

>> No.21924632 [View]
File: 319 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21554384 [View]
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Philosophical Pessimist bros I have thinking about avalible solutions to Pessimstic question other than suicide, we all desire asceticmaxxing and denial of Will-to-Live so finally I have discovered a cheat code called "LARP". Yes, we all know Schopenhauer's doctrine is the Truth and denial of Will-to-Live is greatest virtue. But this world works on wagies' tears and blood and it will keep deny us the blessing of NEETdom. So if someone isn't from rich family like Schoepnahuer he can't live an ascetic/monastic lifestyle. NEET lifestyle depends upon countries and economic situation. So not all of us are fortunate enough to live that lifestyle, at some point we will succumb to demons of economics, politics, modernity and warfare industry.

What we should do is exploit the ascetic orders by joining them for NEET lifestyles to eat two times a days and for some shelter over our heads. The best options are Buddhist monasteries. If there are no Buddhist monasteries, then cucking abrahamic institutions is another option. In the case of joining a christcuck monastery, we should larp as quietist monks. There are also quietist fakirs/dervish in the situation of joining a Sufi order. Quietism will act as a religioncuck repellent and silence is always mysterious so they will assume you have occult powers or some shit.

If we stay low key, do bare minimum of religious rituals and keep doing meditation regularly then it will be win win situation for us. Freedom from this evil society, freedom from evil female, freedom from degeneracy, freedom from normalfag baggage, freedom from politics freedom from material belongings and freedom to live a NEET lifestyle. If this doesn't work out then suicide is always an option. You shed most of baggage after meditation so death will be light, like a death of some animal of long ago, so quiet and devoid of any humanoid bullshit.

What do you think?

>> No.21478906 [View]
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Start and end with Schopenhauer

>> No.21434769 [View]
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>“If what makes death seem so terrible to us were the thought of not being, we would necessarily think with equal horror of the time when as yet we were not. For it is irrefutably certain that not being after death cannot be different from not being before birth, and consequently is also no more deplorable. A whole eternity has run its course while as yet we were not, but that by no means disturbs us.”


>> No.21382309 [View]
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Fuck you normalfags, go build those pyramids!


I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.20973187 [View]
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>family was just ugly through and through

>> No.20962488 [View]
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If I deny the will, maybe I can unlock my full potential.

>> No.20950120 [View]
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>> No.20838119 [View]
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>> No.20722764 [View]
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>incel writes
Subhuman roastie, he had many relationships throughout his life

>his main reception has been among literary authors without any training in rigorous philosophical thought
LMAOOOOOOO sure woman, all of these plebs had no """training""" in """rigorous""" philosophical thought.

>Those who have cited his influence include philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche[26] and Ludwig Wittgenstein,[27] scientists such as Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein,[28] psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud[29] and Carl Jung, writers such as Leo Tolstoy,[30] Herman Melville,[31] Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse,[32] Machado de Assis,[33] Jorge Luis Borges, Marcel Proust,[34] and Samuel Beckett[35] as well as composers such as Richard Wagner,[34] Johannes Brahms,[34] Arnold Schoenberg[34][36] and Gustav Mahler.[34]

Anjos, Assis, Bahnsen, Beckett, Bergson, Borges, Brahms, Brouwer, Campbell, Einstein[9], Fet, Cioran, Dilthey[10], Freud, Gray[11], Hardy, Hartmann, Hesse, Horkheimer, Huysmans, Jung, Reve, Kraus[12], Ludovici[13], Ligotti, Mahler, Mainländer, Majorana[14], Mann, Maupassant, Michelstaedter, Nietzsche, Proust, Rank, Reve, Rilke, Ryle[15], Santayana, Schlick[16], Shaw, Schoenberg, Schrödinger, Solovyov, Spengler, Tolstoy[17], Vaihinge,r Volkelt, Wagner, Weininger, Wittgenstein, Zapffe, Zola.

>> No.20101971 [View]
File: 320 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I read Schopenhauer? Do I read the works of the people he was influenced by, first? That would take a whole lot of time. Is there a way to circumvent that? Also what book of his should I read first?

>> No.19570429 [View]
File: 320 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I often remind myself that we’re all puppets trapped in a decomposing cage of flesh and bone, with a million desires whirling around us at all times like sirens attempting to lure us to our doom. That these desires are nothing but the conjured demons of economics, society, and evolution and while they promise fulfillment they will only use you to their own ends, increasing their strength over you, leaving you a slave and a broken human. The world of phenomena is a test, projected by the noumena, and to conquer it you must conquer yourself.

Although I might try to convince myself that life has some external value, after a night drinking with “friends” or a sexual encounter with woman, it quickly becomes apparent that most friends are not worth having, and that woman’s sexual desires are so perverse and banal that their even having desired you bears the weight of a bad conscience. What man does not disgrace himself by submitting to a woman’s desires? He becomes a fool, a brute, a scoundrel, a cuckhold, all at once— and looses himself in the process. What man benefits from society? He devoured his life’s work to the machinations of warfare and industry, he trampled the earth, he becomes bound up in stories told to gullible children, he is sold slavery and like an idiot wears his chains with pride.

Service originates in the Latin word "Servi”, meaning slave. That’s what society, friends, woman the whole world, asks from you, your slavery. In English, the familiar for of “you”, “thou”, has long since died from the language. For those lonely men in Anglo countries seeking company, this should be (with honest reflection) enough proof that you will never find it. We live in a civilizational world-spirit which lacks even the words to express friendship, closeness.

There are two things in life worth their weight in gold: freedom and silence. How many men exchange these treasures for paper? Or for a soft touch of flesh? Or for some false sense of meaning to disguise their emptiness?

In books, there is the peace of forming a genuine connection with another person. If you cannot read, write. If you cannot write, read. If you are still lonely, hire a whore; it is less demeaning and less expensive than going to clubs. Logos is the breaking free of the soul from the flesh, embrace this and turn your eyes from the treachery of desire.

>> No.19502479 [View]
File: 320 KB, 800x1022, 800px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was just having a convo online earlier today and this guy mentioned that Schopenhauer was a "classical liberal", small government kind of a guy who also favored monarchy; I was confused and it honestly didn't even make sense or sound right to me so I just assumed it must have been wrong and immediately researched some stuff ready to dunk on this guy but it turns out he might not have been lying. Wikipedia says that he describe himself as a proponent of limited government and monarchy.
I also came across this little passage from Wikipedia and, I must say, it makes me fucking sick
> In 1848 Schopenhauer witnessed violent upheaval in Frankfurt after General Hans Adolf Erdmann von Auerswald and Prince Felix Lichnowsky were murdered. He became worried for his own safety and property. Even earlier in life he had had such worries and kept a sword and loaded pistols near his bed to defend himself from thieves. He gave a friendly welcome to Austrian soldiers who wanted to shoot revolutionaries from his window and as they were leaving he gave one of the officers his opera glasses to help him monitor rebels. The rebellion passed without any loss to Schopenhauer and he later praised Alfred I, Prince of Windisch-Grätz for restoring order. He even modified his will, leaving a large part of his property to a Prussian fund that helped soldiers who became invalids while fighting rebellion in 1848 or the families of soldiers who died in battle. As Young Hegelians were advocating change and progress, Schopenhauer claimed that misery is natural for humans and that, even if some utopian society were established, people would still fight each other out of boredom, or would starve due to overpopulation.
I haven't read much of him yet (just his essays mostly) but was his hatred of Hegel proof that he just got filtered? and that maybe the source of his seethe was the revolutionary implications of Hegel? It honestly sounds like he's just another reactionary here and I'm honestly a bit put off.

>> No.18263188 [View]
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Books on why music is the highest artform?

>> No.11922937 [View]
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You see the world through your cynical eyes
You're a troubled young man I can tell
You've got it all in the palm of your hand
But your hand's wet with sweat and your head needs a rest
And you're fooling yourself if you don't believe it
You're kidding yourself if you don't believe it
Why must you be such an angry young man
When your future looks quite bright to me
How can there be such a sinister plan
That could hide such a lamb, such a caring young man

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