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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21823522 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 8E38E87D-9772-430B-88FF-132A768F6416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If corporations control every facet of our life then why is anti-corporatism shilled in every social media site, and anti-corporate books like this taught in every high school? You’re a persecution-complex useful idiot

>> No.21809193 [View]
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>> No.21794519 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 942FEECF-CD1F-49E7-B2A9-7FC5974B1C55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Great Gatsby
>Fahrenheit 451

>> No.21776491 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 80E1E65C-A4E0-4506-8056-AB027BABB49E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah bro your 5 inch weiner is completely normal, the big ones hurt anyway

>> No.21053119 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 1E970E77-0F05-40BA-BFC0-836807061C2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20953445 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 81507739-7C8A-40CE-AD7D-A7477855C27F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone give me a summary on neitzches philosophy and I'll tell you why he's retarded

>> No.20915942 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, 21EDEC54-566B-4263-AA73-8F7980A1C2A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about this for a couple of years. It's as if people try to outsource their views on reality/unreality by reading the books of the sanctioned great philosophers.

You have to remember though, not only were these guys scribbling their syphilis-addled thoughts over 200 years ago for the most part, they also lived in an incredibly different time to where we live now. Although, that isn't fully a reason to throw philosophy in the garbage can because some things are eternally true no matter what time period you are living in. But it's a gripe I've had about the entire subject.

Hardly any of these philosophers have came up with anything remotely worth listening to. And what's worse, is that many of these people have been forgotten and our modern philosophers like Jordan Peterson are a poor imitation of even THOSE people. I think this is what gives the 'greats' more credence because if you have any amount of intelligence you will realize that JP is a sell out retard and has absolutely nothing worth talking about and you'll begin reading the older stuff. Andrew Tate is even considered somewhat of a philosopher these days which is fucking hilarious. He's a con artist that's all.

But that is a huge trap. You will become mired in the psychotic thoughts of a retard from 200 years ago believing you have found the answer to all of lifes questions. In reality, you have closed yourself off to coming to your own very specific (and probably very interesting) conclusions. You look at everything through the lens of these philosophers and you don't actually end up living your own life, even if you intended to use their views as a guide rather than a lifestyle. There are quite a few people I know who are like this and I am grateful I never turned into that.

>> No.20844368 [View]
File: 94 KB, 452x363, B4059313-ACBE-42CD-B76D-C03D8E0FD4C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad Night Out. Part I: Getting Ready
"Fuck". Chad muttered to himself, glancing at the time on his dash. He was supposed to be back at the apartment 20 minutes ago to be ready to go out. He lost track of time playing basketball at the college gym. His phone was being spammed as he pulled into the parking lot. "chad chad chad" "dude hurry up lmfao i need some pussy" "we're finna leave without chu my nigga". Chad exited his 2002 Ford Explorer and approached the door of the building. It was filled with college students, and upon entering, the girls who lived next door were already on their way out, a bad sign given they were already ready, and he wasn't. "Ohhh Chad!" the 5.7 PSL Becky moaned.
The group of five passed by, laughing, and encouraging him to get a move on. Giving him strong looks of interest, mentally groping him. Chad didn't have time for this, he jogged up to the third level, and stormed into his apartment.
"MY NIGGA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Boomed Tyrone, his dead boy. "Shut the fuck up, pussy." demanded Chad. His other two roommates Brad and Zak couldn't get a word in before Chad slammed the door to the bathroom. "This nigga tweaking..." Muttered Tyrone.

Chad grabbed his $2.50 body wash and disposable Bic Razor he got from Walmart and got to work. He liked his body wash because it says he can shave, wash his hair, and body! He stripped down and hopped in the shower. He quickly lathered up his face and body with the cheap detergent and sloppily ran his razor over his face. He may have nicked himself between his left gonion, where the razor would always snag because of the low angle. He rinsed off and hopped out. Wrapping a towel around him he stormed through the door and got to his room. He quickly sprayed some axe body spray over him and pulled his taper fit Wrangler jeans off the hanger. He shoved into his size 14 Nike Blazers that gave him 0 height lift and approached his drawer to pick out a shirt. He reached into the mess and fished out a tan plain pocket tee. Slinging it over his broad frame, he exited his room. "Come on you twinks." Chad Scoffed. Everybody cheered, ready to go.

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