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>> No.4421663 [View]
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No, I was right. You claim atheists want to just be left alone to their own beliefs but that is certainly not what most current views of new atheists are. We routinely get the likes of Dawkins and others in the press making all sorts of bigoted attacks on religious people, most of it ill-informed, post-colonialist bullshit rife with racism, intolerance, and pure cherry picking. Additionally, I've spent years on these boards and other places on the internet and yet to come across one atheist opinion that hasn't included similar reductivity, cherry picking, subjectivity, and all sorts of pure insult for the sake of it. And you want to cry about being attacked in 'generalizations'? Please, man. You want to dish it out, learn to fucking take it.

You are a persecutory group and it's time the law started waking up to that fact and get over this idea that you're all operating from some perspective of 'reason'. Less interested in discussion and hearing the opinions of religious people that can run a huge and infinite range than you are in shoving your narrow, wholly ill-educated, largely incorrect shit down everyone else's throats and then insult and sneer at them because they refuse to be bullied by you. A recent poll in the UK highligted that two thirds of Christians in this country feel they are being persecuted. All scoffed at and sneered at by the atheist intelligensia as usual but just because it isn't overt doesn't mean it isn't taking place. They're simply afraid to even identify as Christian less they start getting shit from atheists who threaten to arrange boycotts, get them fired, launch legal actions, and generally just behave like cunts because they can't possibly handle the fact that other human beings are different.

The hypocrisy in this thread is just staggering. No one dare make generalisations about atheists or assume they share the same point of view but it's cool for you to do exactly the same to religious people, right?

You people are major cunts and you deserve being called out on your shit at every and each opportunity that it arises. Get the fuck over yourself.

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