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>> No.20224549 [View]
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>Then you shouldn't have used nietzsche's perspective on nihilism to support your argument.
>You missed completely my argument, you idiot.
>> I also didn't say nietszche viewed life as inherently meaningful,
>You implied that and after being confronted you did.
>> implying Nietzsche believes there is no inherent meaning, which is false.
>And you keep insisting on it.
>You can’t even agree with yourself, you dumb nigger. No wonder why you miss everything I try to say.
>> Except you did.
>I didn’t, this is just another cause of your being too dumb to recognize categorical subtleties.

Useless word salad without any actual substance

> Conversely, the apparent objective character of things: could it not be merely a difference of degree within the subjective? - that perhaps that which changes slowly presents itself to us as "object- ively" enduring, being, "in-itself" that the objective is only a false concept of a genus and an antithesis within the subjective?
> What is the objective measure of value? Solely the quantum of enhanced and organized power
>win back for the man of knowledge the right to great affects! after self-effacement and the cult of "objectivity" have created a false order of rank in this sphere, too. Error reached its peak when Schopenhauer taught: the only way to the "true," to knowledge, lies precisely in getting free from affects, from will; the intellect liberated from will cannot but see the true, real essence of things.
>facts is precisely what there is not, only interpretations. We cannot establish any fact "in itself": perhaps it is folly to want to do such a thing.

Everything here is correct and I agree with it. Objectivity as a concept attracts a certain cultish following that worships an objectivity that is really just their own subjectivity. There are only "interpretations". But, this is a recognition of human limitation, not a statement that objectivity doesn't exist. Neitzsche obviously beleives interpretations have an objective order of rank, with some more valuable than others. Thus spake zarathusta literally revolves around zarathustra teaching the values of the superman.

But this is besides the point. You have still not provided a compelling argument that Nietzsche's works collectively oppose the concept that life has any inherent value. Thus far your argument consists of stating Nietzsche's self directed creation of value, discourse on nihilism and criticism of objective reason somehow implies he thinks life has zero inherent meaning. This is a brainlet take that you could only come to if you read those quotes in isolation from his whole works.

>pic related

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