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>> No.22323558 [View]
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There's a weird fixation with normies, especially redditors, on the idea of the tortured genius. You see this discussed a lot with respect to the gifted program. "Smart" people supposedly either fail miserably or become highly successful. In fact this is to the point that it's started to become pathologized; the somewhat recent conversations around the gifted program being just for people who are autistic/ADHD/etc., and this why they do well on tests and subsequently collapse after highschool.
In reality, having a high IQ correlates strongly with future success, happiness, earnings, and so on. Ignorance is not bliss, and anyone who is truly dumb will tell you that. Midwits can see over the veils of society, but can't look any further. So, they often immediately conclude that because what they were told growing up doesn't coincide exactly with reality, everything must be a facade not worth their time, and that they're oh so isolated and misunderstood. For midwits, this culture of seeing intelligence as a curse allows them to self-aggrandize, and for the rest it allows them to feel secure in their lack of intelligence.
I'm very happy I'm smart. I grew up in a bad area with a bad family, and if I wasn't smart I would have absolutely destroyed my life. I'm successful in school, people respect what I have to say, and I know if all else fails I at least have my head and ability to reason well. I enjoy exercising my mental faculties - it's fun to be able to memorize things quickly, grasp concepts, make connections, solve problems, etc. once you start using your brain well and regularly it becomes addicting. The alternative is much worse.
>IQ tests aren’t like the SATs. You can’t be smart and do badly on them.
Your score can be lower than is actually the case due to confounding factors like untreated ADHD, lack of sleep, etc.

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