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>> No.12018533 [View]
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as for psychic allergies, pic rel. it seems the M:TG guys usually go to Mark Tedin for a lot of their epic cards. this one isn't exactly easy on the eyes but sometimes art is like that.

it's why i think the Chinese are so based with some of this stuff. they have an attitude about language itself that is kind of intriguingly floaty and liminal about the whole thing. Stoicism is self-defense *against the self* when it comes to a lot of desires and imagination and so on, and it's easy to see why Nietzsche would have disliked them. all of the awesome power that comes from neurosis, cathexis, schizophrenia et al is what produces music, art, theory, the slam dunk, the Hall of the Mountain King, lemon meringue pie and whatever else you want to name.

but it's worth asking in the 21C if we have in fact not arrived all too soon at the completion of aesthetics itself in a way that ultimately only becomes a kind of series of brushfire experiments with the human psyche in order to arrive at a more systematized, concrete, and objective understanding of Human Meatbags and How To Seduce Them. as Heidegger says, "the world is not a matter of indifference for us." for the existentialists, it was. alienation, loneliness, the impossibility of ever connecting to your own mortality in a world without God. then deconstruction.

and now this, where *you* can be as indifferent or as alienated as you like, but for capital it makes no difference whether you buy the McNugget ironically or not. and there's one incredible line in the gender acceleration essay about the implications of this also:

>“Women turning women on, women turning machines on, machines turning machines on.” (Amy Ireland, “Black Circuit”)

b/c find a flaw. that's how it all gets digitized. i'm not saying the cure for this is to go full Alex Jones &c but just to kind of reflect. and the real finger-trap is one expressed more or less perfectly in the ethos of Seven Samurai. the ronin wind up outdated, in the end. true, this is because a feudal Japanese village is not the same thing as a modern urban cosmopolis, which in the end selects for its own as much as the villagers did. but it is refreshing at least to remember that some - such as Kurosawa, and Kubrick also, i think - already had a sense of these things, even before Land showed up. art, real art, doesn't just show you spectacle. sometimes it shows you how things are.
>fuck you girardfag
>good morning inner self
>good morning

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