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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10538921 [View]
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poetry is just a big game we all take part in. i submit poetry all the time and poetry bores the fuck out of me. i can barely read poetry. that said, i've had poetry published in a major journal. what does that say about your supposed "artform"? it's all a game, man. just a game we play.

>> No.9822591 [View]
File: 78 KB, 423x477, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Take a few months off to do nothing but travel, write, and read.
- Regularly post on a blog that people actually read.
- Get married.
- Publish a novel.
- Raise 2+ children.
- Take intensive psychadelics (DMT or Lady A, whichever one I can get my hands on first).
- Become /fit/.
- Continue to read at least 12 books a year.
- Create a bunch of dumb indie games that make people smile.
- Write an academic article on Tolkien or Borges.
- Start homesteading.
- Teach either computer science or creative writing.

These seem good enough for the time being. Hopefully as I age new goals will appear.

>> No.7298022 [View]
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you'll be missing massive indoctrination by entrenched academics desperate to stay relevant through the politicization of literature.

instead you'll be learning a skill that can help to make you wealthy or benefit mankind (or both!). you can still read books with an engineering degree, you can still take electives in creative writing.

>> No.5977040 [View]
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i think open communication with no hindrances between two souls on opposite sides of the planet is good enough

>> No.3412480 [View]
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The last 40 pages of the The Cave were some of the best pages I've ever read but fuck did he make it hard to get there.

>> No.3133766 [View]
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'Cos they're cool.

>> No.3117923 [View]
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I think you really need to stand back and evaluate just what you think you're saying.

>> No.2977098 [View]
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I'd trust a self-taught engineer to build a shed, maybe.

You're idiotic if you think you can just "teach" yourself that discipline (or most STEM disciplines really) and consider yourself legit.

>> No.2870385 [View]
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Coffee doesn't taste any better at independent coffee shops and usually the service is shit.

I love Starbucks unironically, deal with it. Going to get some right now.

>> No.2798443 [View]
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OP here, and bi. I put up a m4m ad, haven't gotten a response yet.

I wouldn't be totally opposed to her having a dick.

>> No.2636662 [View]
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But if they are authentically enjoying their life, are you living better than them?

>> No.2581310 [View]
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Fuck your tier-lists, who joyless cunts. Back to Fox News with you.

>> No.2576562 [View]
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Since when is Franzen representative of America?

I nominate Junot Diaz.

>> No.2543267 [View]
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Kaufman, Coen Brothers, Coppola, Ridley Scott.

Because I've actually watched movies from the past 30 years and don't need to throw old names around to try and impress some chick with thick-rimmed glasses and a tattoo on her wrist in an independent coffee shop.

>> No.2519018 [View]
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No, because I can do basic mathematics -which is apparently some landmark achievement for you.

>> No.2487608 [View]
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>implying the decision to major in engineering doesn' immediately make you gay.

Yeah, but if the U.S. tanked the rest of the world would go with it, you fuckwitted isolated bogan.

>> No.2475437 [View]
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Reading seems to skip generations in my family, so I'll see how that shit pans out when I've reached that scenario for real.

>> No.2375659 [View]
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I could feel the sweat vertically-pooling at the nadir of my armpit's recesses. Her honey-blonde hair was held back by a faint bandana, and the daisy dukes which fitfully clung to her boyish hips had the genuine buffing and wear that comes from actual age versus manufactured aesthetic. The salt length restrained only by the ever-reliable band of my tennis shorts, I cracked.

"B-back that ass up."

"Umm, what?" She laughed, and the sound of it resonated against my fragile psyche.

"Never mind," I began, but I was taken aback when she quietly pressed against me. Her back to me, there was simply non raison she would not feel my enormity against her scant textile viz. my engorged member, through some heliotrophic****** action, had peeked out of my shorts and had just emitted the first, premonitory strains of ejaculations.

Further compounded******* with this unforeseen action was the thought that her hand would so surreptitiously tap my "head" of sorts, bringing with it the viscous fluids of late straight into her mouth. Ecstasy was a viable word for the moment without the risk of usage abuse.

In my head-lightening pleasure, I neglected to remember that I was, in fact, still surrounded by "grown-ups" of a sort, who very much looked down on that sort of thing, and was promptly brought to near-evisceration by a Heidegger-touting neonazi with an apparent vehement disgust for such age disparities. Indeed, such were the extent of my injuries that I am surprised I'm holding the novelty pencil with which I forge the present narrative, and so there.


******N.B.: contradiction, Shakespeare's Sonnet 130, first line,
*******M = P( 1 + i )n, where M is my dick and P is ratio of daisy duke-to-tennis short friction.

>> No.2346575 [View]
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I thought Frankenstein was a massive letdown. Way too much existential angst.

>> No.2318051 [View]
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What intelligence tests measure.

>> No.2245560 [View]
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>> No.2223728 [View]
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Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

It is pretending to be something more than it actually is through the use of artificial ingredients. Makes sense to me.

>> No.2201791 [View]
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Glorious U.S. will never fall to the papists.

>> No.2197051 [View]
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Why do so many goddamn idiots major in kinesiology/sports medicine?

>"Hurr I like sports."

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