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>> No.21647274 [View]
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The following is taken from a video interview conducted in 1971:

You assert that we are going through the Dark Age that the Hindu traditions refer to. Which is
your take on the remedy to the dissolution of today’s civilisation?

My answer is a negative one: nothing can be done. According to this doctrine of the philosophy of
history, or metaphysics of history which is the base of involutionary presuppositions I was referring to
in the previous question, we are at the end of a prosses of dissolution which did not actually start just
yesterday and does not consist in its more or less contingent aspects such as those linked to the
consumerist societies or the arise of technocracies et cetera, but that is rather acknowledged during
previous eras, with the progressive loss of all sense of reality regarding the supernatural and the rupture
of that link that connected men to that which transcends man himself. So, given this process that
occurred already centuries ago, we are now living in its last phases and it is absurd to search for a
detention of the process, it is as absurd as intending to stop an avalanche. The end of the cycle takes
place when the avalanche ends up in the valley and thus the only path available is the one exposed in
the doctrines of Ride the Tiger that one can easily understand. There is not much more to say than
stating here that what is important is this person (absolute individual) to be the aim in order to continue
even in a “subterranean” mode of existence. I often quote the great verses of the poet Hofmannsthal
who says: “The solution is that those who have been awaken during the long night to re-encounter those
that shall arrive with the new dawn”

Basically the Kali Yuga will run its course no matter what we do. I suppose the "end game" is the beginning of a new cycle of ages, but this will come about completely independently of our actions or interventions.

With this in mind, it is left to the individual to remain on his feet among the ruins of the modern world. The spiritual quest becomes an almost entirely individual affair. No institutions remain to guide man, no collective effort can bring about change. The masses are simply moved mindlessly by the tide of modernity and so any appeal to the masses (the communist appeal to the proletariat or nationalist appeal to the nation) becomes meaningless.

Thus in works such as Ride the Tiger, Evola speaks of "differenced men", or "aristocrats of the soul", by which he means those few men left in the modern world who still feel drawn to the spiritual. Who, despite living in the depths of the modern world, may still achieve liberation. These are truly the men who Evola writes for.

As for everyone else and the world in general, I'm sorry but there is nothing to be done.

>> No.21647258 [DELETED]  [View]
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Endgame?. There is no endgame.

The following is taken from a video interview conducted in 1971:

You assert that we are going through the Dark Age that the Hindu traditions refer to. Which is
your take on the remedy to the dissolution of today’s civilisation?

My answer is a negative one: nothing can be done. According to this doctrine of the philosophy of
history, or metaphysics of history which is the base of involutionary presuppositions I was referring to
in the previous question, we are at the end of a prosses of dissolution which did not actually start just
yesterday and does not consist in its more or less contingent aspects such as those linked to the
consumerist societies or the arise of technocracies et cetera, but that is rather acknowledged during
previous eras, with the progressive loss of all sense of reality regarding the supernatural and the rupture
of that link that connected men to that which transcends man himself. So, given this process that
occurred already centuries ago, we are now living in its last phases and it is absurd to search for a
detention of the process, it is as absurd as intending to stop an avalanche. The end of the cycle takes
place when the avalanche ends up in the valley and thus the only path available is the one exposed in
the doctrines of Ride the Tiger that one can easily understand. There is not much more to say than
stating here that what is important is this person (absolute individual) to be the aim in order to continue
even in a “subterranean” mode of existence. I often quote the great verses of the poet Hofmannsthal
who says: “The solution is that those who have been awaken during the long night to re-encounter those
that shall arrive with the new dawn”

Basically the Kali Yuga will run its course no matter what we do. I suppose the "end game" is the beginning of a new cycle of ages, but this will come about completely independently of our actions or interventions.

With this in mind, it is left to the individual to remain on his feet among the ruins of the modern world. The spiritual quest becomes an almost entirely individual affair. No institutions remain to guide man, no collective effort can bring about change. The masses are simply moved mindlessly by the tide of modernity and so any appeal to the masses (the communist appeal to the proletariat or nationalist appeal to the nation) becomes meaningless.

Thus in works such as Ride the Tiger, Evola speaks of "differenced men", or "men of tradition", by which he means those few men left in the modern world who still feel drawn to the spiritual. Who, despite living in the depths of the modern world, may still achieve liberation. These are truly the men who Evola writes for.

As for everyone else and the world in general, I'm sorry but there is nothing to be done.

>> No.21482239 [View]
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>Philosphy has three branches: Physics, Mathematics, and Theology
you have to be 18 to post here. Also you should probably end your life as soon as it possible.

>> No.21381530 [View]
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I've transcribed the Julius Evola video interview into a written format. PDF Attached below.

>> No.21372625 [View]
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Its been a couple of years now and I'm almost finished reading his works. From him I have learned so much. When you become as familiar with someone's thoughts and ideas as I have with his, its as though you get to know them. I know it sounds strange but I have grown to love him. I will carry him in me for the rest of my life.

>> No.20916637 [View]
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Pure metaphysics. He is beyond religion, seeing one universal metaphysical truth behind the different mythology's, legends and practices of the various religions. You should read the chapter "Beyond theism and atheism" in Ride the Tiger.

>> No.20867808 [View]
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Ride the tiger. According to to the Verdas we've only got another 40000 years of Kali Yuga to go so make sure you enjoy it while you can.

>> No.20861264 [View]
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How we dance so joyfully among the ashes of civilization/

>> No.20858268 [View]
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Religion isn't about belief. People of the past didn't "believe" in god, they knew. Once you realize the truth, you dont need belief.

>> No.20821154 [View]
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I don't know why but I never expected Evola to have such a broad knowledge of modern philosophy. Usually the Traditionalists take a very detached, caucus attitude when it comes to contemporary philosophys such as existentialism, but Evola is able to explain, critique, and analyse many modern philosophers and philosophical movements. I admire him a lot for that.

I think in a way Evola feels a kind of sympathy for the existentialists. Within each of them he sees the figure of the man among the ruins. Lost in the darkness of modernity with no fire of tradition to guide them. And so in a way the existentialists are in the exact same predicament as Evola, he feels the same existential anguish and depression they feel. This is most true for Nietzsche, who he examines excellently. Its quite clear when you read any of Evolas works that he deeply respects and sympathies with Nietzsche, despite them having totally opposing metaphysical beliefs. Fore Evola the figure of Nietzsche is the perfect archetype of the modern aristocrat of the sole, the differentiated man who desperately seeks to transcend.

If Revolt against the modern world is an examination of the traditional society and the universal constituents of Tradition then this book is an examination of modernity, its evils, and how to overcome it. Good stuff.

>> No.20792597 [View]
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>traditional values.
>Posts picture of a mid 20th century family.

>> No.20751896 [View]
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Do I even need to name the book at this point?

>> No.20723309 [View]
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>Let us leave modern men to their “truths” and let us only be concerned about one thing: to keep standing amid a world of ruins.”

We are not going to try to persuade you. You ether see or you do not. That is it.

>> No.20717718 [View]
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I have never ever had sex. (no kap)

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