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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20752953 [View]
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>mfw everyone is so busy bickering that no one talks about literature and I need to get off the Internet and go outside

>> No.20362963 [View]
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The western religions seem to place a lot of value on having faith, to the point where a person will be rewarded by God for having strong faith despite their lack of good deeds, whereas a person who does a lot of good deeds will be punished if their faith is lacking or otherwise incorrect and blasphemous. My experience is mainly with Islam and Christianity, both of which seem to place correct belief and faith in God above good deeds.

In both, incorrect faith (like polytheism) is a more severe sin than most if not all others. I have read much of the Bible and the Quran, but I have been unable to really grasp why the issue of faith is so very important.

It would seem to me that honesty, patience, charity, and kindness would be more deserving of God's love and appreciation than simply correct faith. For some, they could arrive at an incorrect faith despite striving and trying to understand God correctly, and for others, they would almost certainly have the right understanding and belief simply by being born into the right social circumstances.

I would never say God is unjust for valuing some things above others, and I am sure there is a good explanation for why He places such importance on this issue. I just haven't come across any literature that goes in depth on this. Any suggestions?

>> No.19755122 [View]
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you don't just have to do chores anon, usually they have right of life or death on you and rape you, kill you and do other nasty stuff to you because they can.
Since nobody would like to be in the position to be used and abused as an object, we collectively decided that we'd rather avoid that possibility for everyone. All it takes to understand why some things are regarded as wrong, anon, is a little imagination: just imagine if you'd like them being done to you. If the answer is no, than that should be enough for you to talk about it with other humans and collectively agree not to do that to each other. At this stage, you don't even need to have big boy discussions about the nature of good and wrong, anon, you just have to try and imagine what certain things feel like.

>> No.19180797 [View]
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>unreconciled with the world
>love your enemy
For as much as I hate each and every institution built around his preachings, there's something fundamentally innovative about in his appealing to the equality of everyone in the face of god, the importance of forgiveness and starting over, and the attempt to loving others like you love yourself. All this stuff is wildly innovative and if it wasn't for the constant and convenient dumbing down of it made by priests of all kinds there is much about the value of basic human empathy in the face of constant suffering to be learned from the story of Jesus. Like all good stories, however, this one also had to be robbed and instrumentalized by talentless and uncreative literary critics, who ended up building so-called churces around limping interpretations instead of taking the message (whatever it may be) and build something new with it.

>> No.18992242 [View]
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>have the best most powerful military in the world
>fall to sino-russian psy-ops to get retard president elected, retard daily shooters, capitol invaded, Q-Anon, no-vaxers and people unironically believing pizzagate is real
>mfw you can't atom-bomb internet trolls and arab terrorists cell hidden in ground holes

>> No.17786590 [View]
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Appeal to this concept is the mark of stupidity. Was it natural for monkeys to wield sticks and start eating the meat of other animals, after hundreds of thousands of years of animals acting "normally" and "naturally"?
There is no naturality and no normality whatsoever. New behaviours appear randomly as life branches in all possible directions. There is no telos in sight for any activity or modality of life, and the idea of dominance of one over others is a temporary illusion. To put it simply: everyone can do whatever the fuck they want. You should not obssess over where people decide to stick their penises given the absolute weirdness of everything surrounding you.

>> No.17607096 [View]
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Same here. Excluding those who are struggling financially or because of their mental/physical health, and who clearly have all the reason to be upset about the lockdown, people who complain are generally those who never learned how to be alone. I am bothered by the lack of sex, mostly, but I have connected with lots of people on zoom - much more than I would have in real life, honestly - including friends I haven't seen in more than five years, to do reading groups online. Plus, I have read lots of literature I would have never have had the time to read otherwise, and wrote a lot. In terms of concentration, of course, my university research has been slowed down, but everything else has been going so much better that I do not care. I also managed to get on a proper exercise routine. And beside all this, now that there is no pressure whatsoever to go out, I spent my evenings watching sophisticated european movies and catching up on the whole Gundam UC timeline.

>> No.17345242 [View]
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The Mirror by Tarkovsky is about as good as cinema can get. Stalker is also very good. Both are on youtube, free to watch.



>> No.17270489 [View]
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I don't feel that spark to want to live any more, and I haven't for a long time. I'm not strictly suicidal, and would never kill myself, as I could never do that to my family, and I'm afraid of going to hell. But I do often daydream of dying, in my sleep, perhaps, or falling blissfully from some great height with my eyes closed and a rope around my neck. Every day is spent just waiting to die, in a state of unpleasantness and anxiety with very little relief. Life does not seem at all worth it to me and if I had the choice I certainly would choose never to have been born at all. I secretly hope for a bug happening so that I can be wiped out and get it over with. I cannot speak to anyone about this for fear of being institutionalised.

Books for this feel?

>> No.17213265 [View]
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Be sure to find yourself a nice farm girl to go with it, anon

>> No.17154186 [View]
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Rec books that criticize the struggles of modern society and praise a simpler and natural life, could be phylosophy or fiction.

>> No.17151384 [View]
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Well, he's got you there, anon

>> No.17063934 [View]
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>> No.17053968 [View]
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Wow bud got any more EPIC quotes thatll own the libs?

>> No.16993915 [View]
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t. Soi cuck with no real interests, no real passions, no real work ethic
You hate capitalism because you're an npc. You don't find yourself entangled in anything worthwhile of your time. You're a nihilistic blob of goop searching for meaning in the wrong things, but you don't know any better. Now you suddenly think you found some treasure trove of new meaning but you didn't. It's your brain fooling you again to once again distract you from your existential dread and plainness of your life

>> No.16953534 [View]
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thanks bro

>> No.16946099 [View]
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i'm having a real hard time just relaxing to read bros

>> No.16920165 [View]
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>haven't fapped in months
>read Diary of An Old Man
>get insatiable desire to fap so drop the book to do it
I'm starting to think Tolstoy was right about degenerate books not being very /lit/. This event made me realize that all the other novels I've read that have implied sexual relationships are ironically much more romantic because of their subtleness and tact.

>> No.16899606 [View]
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At 23 I live in a state of meandering uncertainty where the brief moments of happiness keep me comfortable. Although I have no real struggle, I am suspended in a purgatory of melancholy. The only solace is my love and the cope of having brothers in suffering. The only way forward has not appeared to me quite yet. I hope to make something of myself.

>> No.16892624 [View]
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730 am wake up
8 gym
10 make breakfast
11 make music
3 read
5 eat
6 walk
7 read more or make music
12 sleep

Average ish day off from work/school

>> No.16663449 [View]
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I fell for it, /lit/. I started reading nonstop a couple months ago, and since then, strange things happened.

Sometimes when I wanted to keep reading at night, I found myself rejecting alcohol just to fully enjoy reading. Now I hardly drink at all.

I also kind of had trouble trying to sleep. Nowadays I read before going to bed instead of watching youtube, tv or playing videogames, and I don't have insomnia anymore.

Anxiety? At the beginning yes; after having endured some longbois, I feel relaxed and chill.

I don't even feel the need to coom as often as I once did; I went from cooming each day to maybe a couple days a week now.

Maybe, just maybe... reading improves life? Am I r-right, /lit/?

>> No.16461227 [View]
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The City and the Stars by Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

>> No.16375811 [View]
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Yeah they tell me I need to make the sex scenes sexier and some other dumb stuff like that, they sent me an example and it’s borderline porn. They’re definitely looking for a specific product rather than books in general

>> No.16351261 [View]
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How do I join the litcord

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