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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11091848 [View]
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>dude Nick Land lmao
>robots and new Darwinism duuuude
>free will capitalism liberism conservativism Fusionism I'm-so-redpilled-ism!

>translations (frogface on the left)
ehm what's so bad about translations?
>you have to read the originals to experience ORIGINALITY
>to experience AUTHENTICITY
>to experience THE TRUTH
b-but I want to read so many books from so many different countries, how am I supposed to lea-
o-okay but I think I don't have the time right now to learn so ma-

>man I'm so edgy I'm gonna read Julius Evola hehe look at me I'm so edgy
>I also read Hitler on wikipedia 'cause I'm a nu-male and of course I need to look at reality from so many points of view hehe

okay but what if I prefer the twentieth century because it's closer to m-
ooookay but at the moment I'm really into French novelists of the 19th century, I'd really like to finish them bef-

>read Marx? get out of here you fucking commie you came to destroy our peaceful world made of freedom and family unit
did you know your favorite alt-right thinkers were all trained on Marx's texts?
>shut up you terrifying commie you're just a faggot you're the scum of this planet

>/lit/ writes a novel!
/lit/ writes a novel? wut?
>yeah let's make a beautiful puzzle of random stuff written by different kids!!

>how do I get published?
why would you want to get published?
>well because, you know, I have this thousand-page tome in muh drawer it's so deep and speculative and postmodern it's so Veeky Forums
okay but why would you want to publish that?
>lol why you even ask it's pretty obvious I deserve to get published because I wrote this tome I'm literally like DFW wew
do you not think there are thousands of others writing tomes right now and trying to get published?
>what? hahahah no no no no what? sorry what are you talking about, I'm clearly the only one c'mon
okay but, again: why would you want to get published
>well dude okay, if you insist... I want to earn money, live on my writings, doing interviews, sign autographs...you know, stuff like that!


>why haven't you read the western canon yet?
sorry what's the western canon?
>lol what a fucking pleb you are everybody knows what's the western canon
yeah but I mean what books do you mean by western canon?

what if I don't give a fuck about God and Jesus?

Wow, this board has become increasingly shit over the years.

>> No.8369280 [View]
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>I had a college reading level in the third grade

>> No.8063637 [View]
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>> No.7991130 [View]
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>Thing you Understand if You're a Girl
The stats would seem to indicate that "how to successfully commit suicide" isn't one of those things. Pity.

>> No.7987156 [View]
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>fantasy is fun
Yes, we know.

>> No.7984178 [View]
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virgin tier but also accurate

YA tier

/fit/ tier

r/redpill tier

well done


>> No.7181438 [View]
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Someone told me it was turgid af lmao.

>> No.7069607 [View]
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>The Fountainhead
>pretty good
I like Infinite Jest but I suspect you're not ready to appreciate it.

>> No.7051339 [View]
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>goes on cruise on assignment for Harpers
>first night, asks for au jus to chum for sharks off the stern of the enormous cruise ship
>admittedly rarely leaves his cabin for more than half an hour
>gets freaked out by the toilet
>leaves his room and runs back at varying intervals, trying to catch the maid in the act
>falls over, flailing his arms after shooting a shotgun for the first time
>measures a waiter's sombrero
>feels guilty about ordering room service so he creates a whole "busy man writing important things" scene in his cabin to convince the waitstaff that he's not just too autistic to come out for a meal.
He got pussy and played sports, but there's a lot of life going on between those things and he spent it being a total robot.

>> No.7043853 [View]
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The closest thing we have to clues to that question may be in the foreword of The Pale King, by his editor at Little, Brown who put this book together from manuscripts found in his work space. To me it didn't sound like scenes were put in order, so if he did make arrangements for his death he either trusted the editor to get it right or hadn't decided on the order yet. I think he was pretty close to killing himself for a long time, but I suspect he just decided to do it when his wife left the house that day, considering he didn't go to the trouble of making it painless.

>> No.7033319 [View]
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Not sure why a description of unpublished work that I won't show you is the incredible part, but sure, believe what you like. I try to tell cool stories on 4chan and this is pretty much always what happens. So much cynicism, smh.

>> No.7031031 [View]
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>that guy who doesn't appreciate the "Son & Xon" cover
First off, what >>7030516 said.
That cover design alludes to the novel's style with its archaic typeface. The way the author's name and the full title are "between the lines" of the larger historical print is a clever allusion to the way Pynchon wrote his fiction into the frame of documented historical events. You are seriously the biggest pleb on 4chan and should just die in a fire, tbh.

>> No.7020313 [View]
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I'll fucking fight you. The Son & Xon cover alludes to the way the novel is written between the lines of historical documents.

>> No.7019979 [View]
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Communication is a two way street. Very few books are objectively boring. The type of reader who gets a kick out of Moby Dick would likely be bored to tears and drop The DaVinci Code, and vice versa. Communication only happens when the reader is ready to receive what the author is saying, which is why we teach literature from the ground up instead of starting 4th graders off with Finnegans Wake, which a sufficiently well read person with the right temperament could enjoy a lot.

>> No.7016002 [View]
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You should probably know that the Hindu Kaliyuga began before the recorded history. The assertion that we live in the end times and things are falling apart according to plan is also found in Abrahamic religions and is just a cheap cop-out for when people ask why things are fucked if God is so good and to keep the True Believers focused on the cleric's commands and promises of heavenly reward when it's time to swing some dick.

>> No.7004687 [View]
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>mfw state schools

First off, you'd better be laying bitches like the one in those "I'm Schmacked" videos or you're wasting your time at ASU.

The trigger warning means either your prof is a limp-wristed pussy or they got a complaint and just threw together a trigger warning to cover their ass. Either way your prof knows more about Shakespeare than you do (obvious, since you go to a state school) and you should go listen to him.

>> No.6999652 [View]
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>mfw I read it in the evenings over the course of a three week trip to Namibia with my family
Good grief, are there actual poor people on this board? How dreadful.

>> No.6994414 [View]
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Don't touch me you filthy casual. You can't think. You can't write. There is no discernible talent.

>> No.6923856 [View]
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>Like Ulysses, Lear and Falstaff, Bloom has been in combat and "seen many a young man die on a battlefield," as he told my class years ago.

>But he is better known for his clashes with literary rivals over the Western canon than he is for his military service in Israel during various wars.

What do you think Bloom was like in the shit?


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