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>> No.14722649 [View]
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I gotta complain about something real quick. I was downstairs playing Bioshock and actually doing well for a change even on hard which isn’t bad for me. It was putting me in a good mood. I got to thinking that I will play the second one finally (my roommate has all of them) and then probably replay infinite and I like the atmosphere of Infinite. The games nothing perfect, but it’s got a nice world and is set in a very comfy and underrepresented portion of history. I was thinking about how just generally happy I was. Not just in that moment, but for a while now. I’ve been content. I’ve been going to the gym for a few weeks now and am already feeling an increase in endurance and strength. Nothing drastic, but it’s nice to be able to go even just a few minutes longer on the elliptical than I was a few weeks ago. I’ve got good friends who I enjoy the company of. I’ve had my periods of sadness, but overall my life’s not been bad and I’ve been feeling good. Nothing could bring me down. Then I went up stairs for bed and what do I see but my shitty MacBook waiting for me still with a black screen even though the power is on. I try not to let it get to me. “I guess I can only hope it’s working in the morning” I think, trying to not let it bother me. Then I start to thinking about the shit I have on there that I don’t want to be lost (stories and poems, what have you). So I check my phone to see if I can access them from the cloud. Some I can, but for some reason others I can’t. Including the big one I really really wouldn’t like to loses. Guess I’ll have to look into that once my laptop is working again. Well that gets me started so I try looking up fixes again and see one that I haven’t tried that looks promising. I try it and absolutely fucking nothing. Now let me tell you something. The fact that if I look up “MacBook stuck on black screen” 90% of what I look up comes up as MacBook Pro only shit makes me want to hurl a sack full of babies into toxic sludge. Why do the fucking names have to be the goddamn same if the goddamn shit doesn’t work on the my fucking laptop fucking fucking fuck you apple if this goddamn laptop is broken I swear to fucking goddamn that I will dig Steve Jobs up, shit into his rotting mouth and feed the whole cadaver to the current CEO. I have tried everything, but the powered on laptop is still just sitting here with the black screen of death. Making me want to hurl it into the ocean. I though I was happy for once in my fucking life I could actually experience what pure unhindered happiness truly could be until fucking APPLE HAD TO GODDAMN FUCKING RUIN IT AGAIN PIECE OF SHIT JUST FUCKING WORK

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