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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18404347 [View]
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I legitimately think Neon Genesis Evangelion is a great work of art, on the level of a work like Faust or Ulysses. I am deeply intrigued, and deeply moved, by how intimately we grow to know the characters. Especially our four main characters: Misato, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei. It feels like, by the time we get to the final episode of the series, we know them all inside and out. Their greatness and their smallness. Their good, noble qualities, and also their bad, terrible qualities. This is a level of intimacy with characters that I don't get all the time, even from great works of literature, and I think it is a mark of how great a work of art Eva is.

Not to mention the series is visually gorgeous, and its music is great, too. And when the Eva and Angel action kicks into high gear it's very thrilling, better than most action movies.

It's such an interesting series, and it's very great, too. It rises above most anime, for so many reasons, and I think of it on the same level as I think of something like the Iliad, or Keats' poems. I know a lot of people easily dismiss it, especially for all the merchandising around it. But I find it very compelling, for my own part, and very grand, too.

>> No.18251509 [View]
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At least Eva is a work of art. An Eva fanfic is fine, it's like a fanfic of Twin Peaks. I can't imagine writing a fanfic of a children's cartoon.

>> No.18069474 [View]
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It's a bit more interesting than that.

Evangelion in general is probably some of the best anime has to offer in terms of being a work of art. This isn't to say it's perfect. I think it's a flawed masterpiece. But calling it a "masterpiece" is not inaccurate. It is a great achievement. It is amazing how striking and jawdropping it is, in so many ways.

>> No.17742964 [View]
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I have had several things published: a few poems and a few short stories. I largely do not derive any value from /wg/ other than when I see the thread it's a reminder that I really should be writing.

I do not derive a lot of value from /lit/ these days in general because I have done a ton of reading thanks to both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, and also because fun, interesting writers do not typically pop up on /lit/ these days before I have heard of them. /lit/ introduced me to Gene Wolfe, Borges, and Pessoa, and for that I am immensely grateful. But it's been a long time since a writer I had not heard of was popular on /lit/.

I am largely here these days for the benefit of others. I come to /lit/ not to get anything out of it myself, but in the hopes that perhaps I can help others, given the extensive reading and scholarship and experience I now have.

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