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>> No.11595794 [View]
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maybe...although i'm not really sure what you mean by this. i could perhaps give you a more nuanced answer if you explained what you mean a little bit more.

you can, in a way, kind of think of acceleration as being a sort of counter-cultural movement. for land capitalism itself is the critique, which is what separates him and his ideas from something like the frankfurt school and their perspective. in both cases, it's true that you could say there is a sort of critique of ideology in play. but in 2018 the ideas of the frankfurt school are as the cathedral basically hegemonic, and acceleration is a sort of critical position w/r/t that. it warrants mentioning, however, that while there are various strains of acceleration - l/acc, r/acc, u/acc, etc - for land himself the cultural aspect of a lot of this is kind of uninteresting. he doesn't really have anything like 'hopes for humanity' in the usual sense marxist-inspired philosophers might have. he thinks, i think we can say, quite the opposite: he's wondering if capitalism itself can escape from our own blinkered critical sensibilities.

again, tho: capital *is* the critique. so it's not like zizek or others. landian schizoanalysis (or horror) is what happens when you reveal or pull away that final onion skin, and find that there's no kernel of humanism in there. what's in there (or rather, Out there) is really beyond thought. it warrants mentioning also that you don't necessarily have to go all the way with his kind of thought processes in order to find a lot that's interesting in acceleration - namely, a kind of attitude towards spinozism that is really quite rewarding and interesting to think about.

the attractiveness of land isn't always necessarily the man himself, but mostly the kinds of speculative possibility acceleration opens up. it's equally corrosive to all forms of outrage culture, for one thing, and it also i think actually explains more accurately what people are afraid of (a loss of reality, a ceding of control over the future course of the earth to economic processes rather than anthro-politics, &c) and other things. it can, as that earlier anon suggested, point towards something like a productive fatalism.

if you want a good and fairly recent interview with him to learn more about any of this, you can listen to this one too.


sorry for the long post.

>> No.11558019 [View]
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let me put it another way. take a reasonable and charitable definition of postmodernity: that for any given text there are an an infinite or near-infinite number of possible interpretations, into which all the various facets of the subject have to be taken into account, and the text, and the relations therein. lyotard's skepticism about metanarrative.

here's land: that's all nice, but there in fact only one historical metanarrative, which is called capitalism, and to which anything other than absolute fealty is complete narcissism. period.

see what i'm getting at? even the most charitable postmodernist in the world would have a hard time reconciling these claims. again, if you want to say, 'okay, but foucault makes the same claims about power, and he's a postmodernist' - yes, that would be true. to which land's response might very well be, 'and so what does that tell you about postmodernity in the first place? that it wasn't actually as postmodern as it thought it was.' and so on. and he would say, power is an aspect of capital.

the point is that land's thought poses grave difficulties for postmodernism in general. but they aren't *his* problems. so if we want to say, he's the Ultimate Postmodernist...well, i guess. but what would be the point? to rescue or try to valorize a term which is completely necrotic at this point, and was radically compromised to begin with? it doesn't tell you anything about his thought, and keeps some weird candle burning for a thing entirely dead in his mind.

>> No.11377524 [View]
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You are not ready to tap into this power anon.

>> No.8341656 [View]
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Hey guys i cant remember the name of a story, would you mind helping me, ill tell you what i remember.

>Terror-fiction story
>space travels
>ppl need to be sedated to do this travels because it alterates mind's perception of time
>some kid/man go without sedate
>his mind perceibs this mins traveling as millions of years
>goes insane
>he keeps repeating something about the void.

Please :(

>> No.7788000 [View]
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How do I into Zarathustra? A while ago remember someone advised some earlier Nietzsche works to read before starting with this.

pic unrelated

>> No.5093926 [View]
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Where should I start to learn about philosophy? I took a course on coursera from the University of Edinburgh, but I want to pursue it farther.

inb4 college. I'm too poor.

>> No.5075259 [DELETED]  [View]
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I hate reading a book, writing down words I don't know, searching them, and then re-reading.

Is there a website where I can get a list of definitions for a book I'm about to start reading?

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