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>> No.19696317 [View]
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Thinking about this more, this post is like encapsulated American ideology in its way because it reflects the idea that Good Men stand up to Bad Authority. That dreaded Godless State... which is telling you to continue doing whatever you want.

So you're rebelling against nothing. Or, well, you're rebelling against a relatively small number of people who are basically telling you to do the equivalent of wear a goddamn seat belt and practice good defensive driving skills so you don't get into an accident in the first place. Avoiding infectious virus particles in this analogy is entirely like defensive driving while everything else (vaxx, tests, etc.) are a car's safety features.

But that's difficult. Because we have, as a population, become complacent that "What Was" is what always "Will Be," and the suggestion that life has changed permanently and that change is required of us in order to meet the challenges of the day is met with unrelenting cognitive stress for a population that always became accustomed to major events (9/11) by going shopping and thinking it affects them even though it doesn't really. Easier to narrow the locus of perception down to what allows us to continue as if the status quo has not changed.

Which is why right-wing media every day serves steaming portions of blatant dissonance specifically built for utter morons who cannot begin to think for themselves at all.

Thing is, the Democrats are even worse. Because they brainwashed everyone into OPEN BIDEN. When Trump was defeated, we were supposed. to. go. back. to. BRUNCH. How could reality betray us again? Like reality has done over and over and over again. Yet they keep blubbering into making the same goddammed mistakes. What could be the reason for this? Mental illness?

I guess I should add that it might help to actually have a government that serves the interest of the masses instead of the wealthy few and having citizenry whose brains aren't rotted by 24/7 neolib neocon propaganda dedicated to making number go up and mindlessly consuming. But I guess it worked out okay.

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