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>> No.22426309 [View]
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Lmao I am 48 and live underground quite literally: I'm posting from my basement bedroom in this house which I rent with a few roommates who are between 8 & 12 years younger than me. I have neither wives nor children, just a medley of contacts like my excruciatingly Jewish girlfriend who lives in Manhattan -- I always visit her; she never visits me -- and so I stay here, saving money, NEETing like a champ, because she's expensive both financially & psychologically; I value my solitude, which I've enjoyed for the last... several days, as I've hid from the world underground in my basement bedroom, my roommates unaware of my presence. I've been fasting, too, skipping days of eating. I think I may have been down here for a week... two weeks? Three! Fuck, how time flies! I've accomplished *nothing* down here this last fortnight -- a few hours-long runs playing Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares, each only to end in obviously unwinnable endgames due to subterranean lithovores (Silicoids) overrunning half the map or literal bugpeople (Klackons) simply pumping out more ships than I have missiles to target. Huh. This whole "underground" theme is really sticking.

So, here I am, listening to the sounds of a sunny day outside my dim lair, a roommate & his girlfriend descending the stairs to find the carafe of fresh french press coffee I made & left out with an implied invitation to enjoy by the presence of an empty cup carefully situated nearby, I an absent ghost, like the sasquatch she affectionately compares me to.

She calls me "the mountain man" because I live on a mountain, and look like it, too, being in my forties with a great mane of blond hair and a long beard like a wizard. I stay away because I don't want to make things weird by accidentally hooking up with her, and, besides, I've grown out of needing or even wanting any sort of romantic companionship, or even companionship of any kind.

I thrive by myself here alone in the darkness! I dehumanize myself more & more each day, becoming evermore powerful & invulnerable. The shadow cast darkens less than my vanta black heart pumping infrared blood. Did y'all niggaz think I was gonna write something dope? Cuz y'all're [REDACTED]!

Nah, playah, I'm just gonna ramble this out to the end in order to hit that sweet maximum character count to sooth my 'tism, which tingles more & more the closer I get to the end... ooh, I really feel it now! It's almost unbearable, like an electric current tickling every nerve of my hatesculpted body, a hellishly strong six & a third foot tall mass of coiled springs and blades and things of a heavy metal nature, cocooned in flesh woven all about, a disposable machine once trained for war quite literally by the most powerful army on earth, now quietly biding time until the sociopolitical climate in this country changes past a critical threshold, psychologically prepared for all eventualities, a post-human monster with no particular motives.


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