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>> No.14957608 [View]
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>> No.14806602 [View]
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>posting poetry on 4chan

>> No.14805833 [View]
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*licking/ sucking noises*

>> No.14774213 [View]
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Pet nigger of the french intelligentsia. Didnt really have much original to say, and was too much of a coward to admit that his ethnic nationalism would really just end up like a form of national socialism but with Africans. Its the biggest pile of nonsense of all post-colonialism and third worldism that somehow being non-white prevents one from being or becoming an oppressor.

>> No.14433996 [View]
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>chapters longer than 20 pages

>> No.14414471 [View]
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>tfw most gramscians are far right these days
not sure how to feel about this

>> No.14399112 [View]
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Ive grown to hate Contra, not because of Contra himself, but because of his cult. Whenever he drops a new vid, there's screeching cultists all over the internet posting his oh-so hilarious sarcastic overproduced garbage everywhere as if it has any authority or content. And it gets worse when shit like Vice claims he's 'deradicalizing far right kids', when in reality he's preaching to his choir, as i cant imagine how even a mild conservatie can sit through any of those fucking vids without seeing a gestalt avatar of everything he thinks is wrong with the West. A fascist would probably feel uncontrollable hate and disgust.

>> No.14395353 [View]
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Was banned for saying that Greta was ugly and that there are hotter 16 year olds around who should've been the face of a generation. Gay site imho

>> No.14344367 [View]
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>tfw im right wing and have to share my ideology with morons and pseuds like this
Iit's still better than liberals, but barely

>> No.14217317 [View]
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>> No.14155965 [View]
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Tucker saying Dave Rubin is one of the smartest people he knows kek.

>> No.14119632 [View]
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>drawing lines in my books

>> No.13798539 [View]
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Normally i think comments like this are really stupid, but when it comes to Spengler i have to agree. Even Adorno said that Spengler was only forgotten because people couldn't deal with him and his unapologetic pessimism.
But recently i saw it for myself, when a philosophy article in my native language (Dutch) did a 'special' on Spengler, because there was a new translation of him available. I say 'special' because it was fucking embarrassing. One article was on how Spengler was a covert nazi and racist, the other on how you shouldn't read Spengler because we dont need his pessimism, and a third on how the publisher of the translation was silly.

>> No.13718007 [View]
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Wilson also lapses into bizarre circumlocutions around the story of the Cyclops. Homer describes Polyphemus, who eats six of Odysseus’s men raw, as “athemistos”—literally something like “without a sense of divine right or wrong,” but “lawless” usually does the job in English. Lack of respect for themis, true right and wrong, is posited by Homer’s contemporary Hesiod as the cause of all human evil. Wilson, however, decides in her introduction that the story of the Cyclops is really a story about colonialism (“the Polyphemus episode seems to meditate uneasily on the processes of colonization”), and hence it is her duty to resist any tendency to dehumanize the sixty-foot-tall, one-eyed, flesh-eating son of the sea-god. She translates athemistos as “maverick,” an offense not only against sensibility, but also against the aesthetics of her poem—the word leaps off the page, wildly inappropriate to Wilson’s typical register. Needless to say I just about fell over laughing. And huperphialos, which she is happy to render “insolent” and “arrogant” when it comes to the suitors, she changes to “highminded” for Polyphemus. The sight of drunk Polyphemus vomiting up wine and chunks of human flesh in his cave was not enough to get Wilson to shy away from calling him “highminded.” I suppose ideology is not dead. She also uses the odd circumlocution “the Cyclopic people” for the Greek plural Cyclopes, which also jars. The shame of all this is that it subverts her own thesis: she claims the passage has some relevance to colonization. It’s much easier for a student to see the resonance between this episode and Kipling’s “lesser breeds without the Law” if athemistos is translated “lawless.” But as I have said, it is very hard to do any kind of close reading of Homer using Wilson’s translation alone. It simply is not faithful enough.

>> No.13717983 [View]
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>Go to a lecture on Spengler
>75% of the lecture is devoted to how Spengler is a fascist, reactionary and eurocentric
>lecturer then off-handedly remarks that she hasnt read Decline and says people shouldnt read it because of its fascist implications
I have never wanted to murder someone as much as i did that day.

>> No.13596305 [View]
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>> No.13513795 [View]
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>> No.13460676 [View]
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>> No.13138036 [View]
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>> No.13088264 [View]
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>video essays

>> No.12644823 [View]
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>Quran is the most perfect Arabic scripture there ever will be.
hurr durr muho you can have your slave's wife. hey knock muho's door before you get in. hurr your wifes are your lands (arable field) harvest them as you like. Yeah this book is lit bro.

>> No.12618676 [View]
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>high quality in terms of binding

>> No.12589397 [View]
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>four of my classes
>I'm outstanding at maths

>> No.12568134 [View]
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>First chapter starts with a f*cking word

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