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>> No.3959185 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am now officially goats-level poor.
Das it mane.

Tell the story Skullnub, I'm very curious. Thanks for the update.

>> No.3762565 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very familiar with Murrica leechlife logistics, keep me posted, I'm curious. I've been hearing different things ranging from the notion that welfare life is impossible to downright comfy.

>ah, okay. I think I was just sleep deprived enough to be super self-conscious about nothing
I truly have no recollection of any even partly strange exchange. Sure you were talking to me?

Watch out for them Stoics though, they can lean towards virtue and social duties and being a decent member of society and what not. You're better off with Cynics, Epicureans, Cyrenaics and Sceptics. And dirty Dao and zany Zen rogues.

>> No.3712029 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where2cop leather trenchcoat stan?

>> No.3690053 [View]
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It's an ecstatic feel.

Not sure.

>> No.3632417 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping out best day of my life.

>> No.3575807 [View]
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>Same here, though zen is also another option, they tend to have some interesting practices and are also a bit more open to artistic pursuits if you're so inclined.
I think zen is very interesting as well, but I also fear the types of people it attracts. It seems like the go-to Buddhism for cunts, perhaps only rivalled by Tibetan stuff in that aspect. Theravada has the benefit of being relatively stern and orthodox which I think keeps the rabble out. Especially the Forest Tradition.

>There are intentional communities out there, but really, most of these communes either focus on some kind of ecological theme or they are utopian socialist of some kind or another, not focusing on some kind of philosophical life praxis.
Yes, that's often the case. I guess the problem with most forms of communal living is that they tend to attract the kind of idealists that I kind stand to be around.

>Solitary life sounds lonely goat, what's your daily routine like?
Well solitary in my pursuits, not in the sense of proper hermitry. I live with my parents at the moment, which is fine really. I got a little room with a bed, chair, desk and chest and take care of myself and either sit around or walk around. Sometimes I read sometimes I browse sometimes I get visit or get visited. It seems quite barren when described but there are really not many things less silly to do than doing not much at all. I'm still simplifying though, all the while becoming more and more content.

>> No.3482474 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just slackers, that's all.
>implying most people have what it takes to be a thorough, happy slacker

Most people don't work out of nobility. They work because they want a lot of shit, and can't handle both the austerity and social pressure a life on the dole is accompanied by. And of course because they can't handle the free time. Most people go mad if they have to spend more than a few non-exhausted hours a day in merely their own company.

>> No.3457252 [View]
File: 106 KB, 494x424, goat free rider welfare fraud sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're twice welcome, since I'm both. If you're interested in illegalism you might want to read up on the Bonnot gang, fascinating bunch they were. Also perhaps Bruno Filippi who was Novatore's bro, but I haven't read him myself yet.

In a way, the Marquis de Sade could be said to be somewhat related to Stirner as well, since he was fond of breaking down preconceptions and morality and the like, albeit in a different way. Even Diogenes and the Cynics could be mentioned. They mocked a lot of things and ideas as being "tuphos", meaning fog/mist/smoke as clouding the judgement of his contemporaries, not unlike Stirner's "muh spooks".

I guess you could also get into modern post-left anarchism and the like, but I'm not very well versed in that, although things like work refusal and such interest me.

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