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>> No.12447523 [View]
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>Spoken like a true believer.
there is a reason i put that word in quotations. it's because i am deeply skeptical *about* that very idea that made that point.

>All of your beliefs are based on FAITH in the myth of Evolution.

1) the idea of social evolution towards a utopia is something i am *personally* skeptical about, but i am *not* skeptical about in terms of a totalitarian state being able to get large numbers of people to Do What They Are Told. historically this has happened, and historically, it was a disaster. again, i think this was a mistake, but i am not betting against it happening again in the future. that is the power of ideology. i am a believer that it *works* - not that the results produced are a good thing.

2) evolution is not a myth. neither is ideology. but the ideas put forward by ideologies - the myths, if you will - can be deconstructed. what *cannot* be deconstructed is the basics of ideology itself - which is why i think philosophical charity is a good look.

>"Progress" is a myth the Darwinists inherited from the Christians.
from *some* Christians - mainly the Protestants. there is more to life than this - you know, like burying yourself in the desert. or whatever. not everything in Christianity is necessarily evangelical. the parts of Christianity i like are in fact those aspects that also have the most synergy with Eastern nondualism, and those guys aren't looking for converts either. you have to come to them, and that's half the battle right there. i am not interested in having anybody hand me a leaflet, nor do i really wish to hand out any of my own.

>There is no guarantee of positive progress over time - that's just magical thinking.
very true! this is why i'm hoping you stop presuming that this is what i think, because it isn't. we're not disagreeing on this. again, the whole reason i am saying i am taking an interest in religion in the first place is precisely because of the problems i have had with exactly what you are saying. it just happens to have taken me a rather long way of getting to this point, because, well, *something* is at work beneath capitalism, and whatever that *something* is, it does seem to ride on the idea of progress. or maybe it's that, today, technological progress does particularly well at exactly the same moment when the idea of cultural progress has hit a standstill. in place of a standstill, however, we instead get massive culture war. that is a phenomenon i find interesting, although terribly sad. but i am trying not to be *angered* by it, because i have racked my brains looking for an answer, and for now, i have to admit that i don't actually have one. what i do think is that we are very much addicted to something quite beautiful, and terrible, which is killing us slowly enough that we do not notice.

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