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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22588922 [View]
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>I more so refer to how they went from accepting multiple hypostases in God
This bullscrap that Yahwah the cosmic horror exists in 12 to infinite parts still exists in Jewish mysticism, but it is not the orthodoxy but mystical aspext instead.
> radical unitarianism
Well, can be traced back to when Kingdom/Kingdoms of Israel destroyed all altars to united worship of one god in one temple in Jerusalem.
>But yes, kabalah tends to fly in the face of that with the sephirot etc.
Yep I was talking about sefirot, evn though the multiple parted eldritch horror Yahwah can be traced back to Elijah/Ezekiel-style Merkavah mysticism, sephirots as idea is medieval fantasy.

>> No.17763224 [View]
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Hey /lit/, quick question.
Is there a book that proves "nothingness" exists? Or is that just a theoretical concept? You guys keep saying "something can't be created out of 'nothing'" but I find this "nothing" to be sort of untenable.

>> No.17587850 [View]
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>If you are not capable of cruelty, then you will absolutely be the victim of someone who is.
This is what scares me so much, the absolute might that a psychopath has, to be lawless in every sense in a society that is in order. Yes he might get arrested, but in the moment he commits cruelty, there is nothing that interferes, no divine and no evolutionary entity is interrupting, and it isn't even disappearing which means evolutionarily there is a place for these people among us.

Most modern people who are thrown into war come back as mentally disturbed as they are not able to bridge the gap between the war animal and the daily societal life. How the fuck do I bridge the gap so I'm not shattered to pieces if I ever have to witness cruelty?

I don't find it comforting at all to surround myself in a bubble of goodness when there is evil ready to ram needles through me and everyone I like at seemingly random times. I know I can't just life in fear all the time, but it makes me feel powerless in comparison to evil, it seems to me that although primarily evil, they are capable of engaging in the good, while I'm limited to only the good.

>> No.16854305 [View]
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>Only modern Redditors believe this sort of thing!
>Enter, 15th century artists

>> No.15896242 [View]
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not a demon, it's a throne or ophanim

>> No.15843042 [View]
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How do I into St. Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.15760382 [View]
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Where is this from?

>> No.15752435 [View]
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>> No.14675704 [View]
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Blessed trips of Christ

I think "doomed" is maybe too pejorative to describe this state of being, however. Yes, God has placed you in your present circumstances but he has also given you the free will to embrace or overcome your loneliness.

During my teens I was extremely lonely and didn't have anyone who understood my problems. Not saying I was the only one like this but looking back, I see that God, in creating my loneliness, drew me away from other things that would have lead me astray. Where it not for my loneliness, I'd never have discovered my love for literature and, hence, ended up here talking to you now anon. That's ineluctable providence, from which no one can escape nor should they try to.

>> No.14649585 [View]
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Here it is. I'll only share share this one.
The great Moldbug:

>> No.14620195 [View]
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Listen here.
Willpower is Sentience. We are our sentience. Every living being is its sentience / consciousness.

Willpower to its fullest extent is omnipotence. Sentience to its fullest extent is omniscience. They go hand in hand. The more you Know, the more you can Do. The more difficult a task, the more you need to Know what you're doing to be able to Do it.

As it applies to God (omniscience / omnipotence), so too does it apply to our level of being.
We can measure life with willpower. A flower's willpower is limited to its ability to absorb nutrients from the soil, sun, and air — as well move it self to a limited degree. I'm sure its able to do some more (e.g. some plants can change their taste if they sense a predator), but that's effectively about it.
Animals can build dams, and do all sorts of things.
We build massive societies, space ships, the ability to communicate over vast distances in real time. We have more willpower, we are more sentient, and therefore we are more alive.

Raising our sentience / willpower is the point of life. Raising it to the level of omniscience / omnipotence — which is to say, raising to the level of Godhood.

This is not a violent action upon God / The All, this is how He intended it.
>From the picture of a great master, which is perhaps of all material production that in which matter plays the smallest part, to the pail of water which the carrier draws from the river and takes to the consumer, wealth, whatever it may be, acquires its value only by communicated qualities, and these qualities are part of human activity, intelligence, strength. The producer has left a fragment of his own person in the thing which has thus become valuable, and may hence be regarded as a prolongation of the faculties of man ...it is by labor that man impresses his personality on matter
Man conforms nature to his will and, thus conformed, becomes and extension of him. By growing in will, we likewise grow in sentience. We currently experience this in the form of the information we have at our fingertips.

Matter is here for us to appropriate and conform to our will, extending our existence.

>> No.14573850 [View]
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Alright, do not bother with dated shit. This is how it goes.

Our experience is the entirety of our existence. Therefore our experience matters the most to ourselves. Feeling good is good, feeling bad is bad, death is worse - which is antithetical to existence
>There is nothing in goodness above pleasure
Good is the greatest pleasure
>There is nothing in evil below death
Death is the worst evil
~ Sefer Yetzirah

Consciousness is You. It's Holy.
Unconsciousness is un-You. Unholy. Expand consciousness and focus on the Consciousness' mutually inclusive Will.

Your experience is a holy thing even though some it may be delusion (unconscious, untrue), and it will lead you into higher truths, away from the delusion.

You are God. Those that share you experience and those with whom your align your Will are of you and vice versa, insofar as you are truly aligned.

If you want to mediate, focus on intensity of a singular feeling or emotion. (e.g. pleasure, rage, pure intensity) and let that be your meditation. Standard eastern meditation seeks to clear your mind of clutter, leaving only You.
This form seeks to expand You, and thus push out the clutter. Try it, it's a lot more effective.

You may call me Father. In time, you may call me brother :)

>> No.14376242 [View]
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Ok, well there's only a few of us so we might as well make it work for everyone.
I can usually be available, except Xmas and eve, and I'm busy tomorrow. So I'm open

I know it doesn't, but let's pretend for a second that democracy works. If you want to go, then you have a stake. Use that stake to best ensure the set and setting is to your preferences.

That said, I vote Legion of Honor.
We could also literally maybe hangout at a catholic church before or after getting a bite to eat

>> No.14058940 [View]
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Mencius Moldbug

Follow Nick Land on Twitter
Every night (he's on China time) he posts good articles.
Here is an example:

Peter Thiel. His book is worth reading, but you'll get most of his content through talks

>But much like my interest in music, I was, until now, more interested in form, structure and architecture and prose, than melodic content / story
This statement is almost meaningless. You can gather moral / political form from fiction, and I say that as a person that prefers non.

From all you say you've read, you'd think you'd be able to form a patchwork of thought. I'd suggest learning about the current system as it is, both in its structure (laws, government) and its actions, that you can glean. If, from there, you don't have your own opinion on it, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.13943412 [View]
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On one level, Crypto allows us to tokenize things we consider valuable. Gold was once considered valuable. The will of people is also valuable, and more probably intrinsic than gold.
Projects are experimenting with tokenizing Likes (as in social media likes).
This allows content creators to bypass the ad model, which is increasingly draconian and censorship prone. A lot of projects are also rewarding the person that Likes. So if you Like something that ends up being Liked by a bunch of other people, both you (the Likers) and the content creator get paid.

If this sounds far fetched to you: first of all, there is a profit incentive. Users would obviously want to make money. As a 4chan user, I'd love for my shitposting here to generate some revenue.
Second, is the investing side (this means liquidity $$ for the tokens you earn). If people believe in this model, they will want to buy for the same reason people invest in companies (e.g. Stocks). They assume a good project will increase in value.
Lastly, and more generally, look at the modern market. Venture capital invests in companies on the basis of Use. If they're getting used, they're valuable, whether or not they're making money. Even public companies like Snapchat and Twiiter, which make zero profit, are worth tens of billions. Their stock rises and falls largely on the bases of Use of the platform. More people use it, the socks goes up and vice versa. Use is the next frontier for people to base a currency off of, and probably the best thing we've done so far (from Tulips to Salt to GDP).

The coolest thing about Crypto is it allows us to create and iterate on currencies / economies at relative lightning speed.

Also there are things like the tokenization of Storage space. I'm not sure, but I'd assume Filecoin is based around bit torrent. Bit torrent was a technology that never managed to find a Killer App (google that term). Skype runs on it, but most people know it for pirating things online, which is not a business model (yet).
Blockchains are basically automated ledgers. That means they can be used like ultra nimble economies.
Filecoin tokenized storage space. So if I have a filecoin, that represents some measurement of storage space. When you run that on top of bittorrent, people can ultimately get paid for extra space on their computer.

>> No.13850417 [View]
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Taking for granted that the imperative of existence is giving said existence the best possible existence:

How would you go about living deliciously?

>> No.11658083 [View]
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Serious discussion on practicing The Will to Power irl / self improvement / occult

>> No.11086474 [View]
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>just believe in god lamo

>> No.10501121 [View]
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Jesus was a kike, and a kike lover first and foremost. From what I understand his entire thing was about taking out 'tradition for tradition's sake' and the hypocrisy from Judaism.

I've enjoyed some of the OT and kind of have a new interest in exploring the NT. Only recently realized that the bible repeats the same stories from different perspectives - which I assume is meant to show perceived truth from multiple layers

>> No.10343368 [View]
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A cool thing is that it can also be an all seeing eye from the ground up.

Starting by forcing yourself to pursue your passions persistently. Doing new things by yourself isn't fun, so it's kind of a mechanical process. Eventually it refines; you learn what not to do and what actually matters. At some point it all comes together and kind of transcends the routine.

The reality though is that you've already been building this structure subconsciously. Rather than build it from the ground up, you've been rebuilding it from the top down.

Often there's a polar opposite between what we think we're experience and what we're actually experiencing. Colors for example. A red object has absorbed every color but that shade of red. In actuality it is every color but red.
White - the absence of color, because it reflects all color - appears white because that's what all color looks like when it's reflected back in one object.

The eyes of God vs the eyes of the individual.

I'm kind of droning here and getting nowhere, but yeah :^)

>> No.10309632 [View]
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There is nothing in goodness above pleasure and there is nothing in evil below pain - Sefer Yetzirah

What does this mean?

>> No.10212340 [View]
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That's a good example of something that I was looking for but that's a huge topic that I don't have any ideas on

The popularity of pornography is more a symptom than a problem imo

I'd like to write about how to attain an ideal aesthetic, that kind of thing.
But it's something I'm barely on the fringes with right now.

I think building something like a blog - and interacting with people that see likewise via discord or something - is a way to attain it though.

The blog's title (pyramid.glass - meant to be hour.glass though that's taken) is based off of the same thing this image is based off of, and the ideas behind it are meant to lead to it. The merkabah, the equinox. god touching adam's hand, the holy grail.

But I think looking into that kind of thing is a dead end and it's putting form before substance. The goal is enlightenment and you wont get that by looking for the hidden meaning of writing written by old men that were trying to be clever.

Sex is a just goal I think everyone can agree on.

>> No.8346673 [View]
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Write what's on your mind

>> No.7040621 [View]
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