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>> No.14012816 [View]
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The introduction of Nihilism is a result of a certain group of people wanting to impose the sense of meaninglessness so that ultimately they become docile, unable to stand up and resist abuse.

It's basic trauma inducing in order to gain power over an individual. In a hostage situation, the 'owner' attempts to break the individual down to the point where they will see their captor as their sole chance for survival. This same trauma introduction is attempted through institutional propagation of modernistic, atheistic and materialistic ideas in literature and other cultural platforms.

If you no longer believe you are on this earth for a purpose, that you are the result of random trans-special genitals pounding away for millions of years, you are simply easier to control than if you believe you have a higher purpose that transcends the material world. In communist society they deliberately build undeniably depressing blocks of buildings. In society where human life is cherished and elevated, spectacular cathedrals with beautiful ornaments are erected to symbolize the strive for something eternal, greater than the material existence.

Nihilism and Darwinism is a philosophical prison, which is attempting to assert itself as a dominant thought pattern, but it is devoid of truth and meaning. Yielding it an utterly useless mind set for an individual seeking purpose. It is, however, extremely useful for an oligarch who wishes to have docile, accepting workers, and corrupt governments feeding off of tax money like parasites.

Just think if a fish got infested by a parasite, and hypothetically they were able of conscious awareness and logical deduction. As the parasite gains more and more control, do you think it would change their thinking? And if so, how? Would they look more brightly on life, or more nihilistic. If the parasite is allowed to grow unchallenged, you die, and the parasite dies. If you challenge it and resist, you might be able to defeat the parasite.

Nihilism is the Parasite of the Mind. Challenge the parasite, do not give into it. Keep looking for purpose even though you do not see it. Ask for it, pray for it, voice your search for purpose. Nihilism wants you to give up, it wants you to die. Don't let it.

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