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>> No.17373978 [View]
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*Makes 200 million USD off enlightenment*

How much did carl jung and sigmund freud make off therapy sessions with their rich depressed patients?

>> No.16596450 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 996 KB, 3088x4701, stay_mad_at_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother Teresa is doing something good on the surface only: serving the poor of Calcutta, the ill, the diseased, the old, the orphans, the widows, the lepers, the crippled, the blind. It is so obvious that she is doing something good! But basically what she is doing is consoling these people. And giving consolation to the poor, to the blind, to the lepers, to the orphans, is an anti-revolutionary act. To console them means to help them remain adjusted with the society that exists, to remain attuned with the status quo. What she is doing is anti-revolutionary. But the governments are happy, the rich people are happy, the powerful people are happy, because she is really NOT serving the blind and the poor. She is serving the vested interests, she is serving the priests and the politicians and the powers; she is helping them to remain in their power. She is making, creating, an atmosphere in which the old can continue.

This makes absolute sense. Why does poverty even exist when rich people don't share. Rich people are greedy but sheep are in deep sleep. You will never wake up

>inb4 cultist
its getting old, try something new

>> No.16490291 [View]
File: 996 KB, 3088x4701, Osho_HD_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have met Stalin's daughter, Svetlana. After Stalin's death she came to India. Just by chance I happened to be in Delhi, and the woman I was staying with…she is a rare woman. I will not tell you her name because what I am going to say refers to people who are still alive, and particularly to a person for whom I have tremendous respect.

This woman is now nearabout seventy-five. I have never come across a woman that old and yet so beautiful….
She invited me, saying, "If you pass through Delhi, stay with me this time."
I was staying with her and she told me, "Svetlana is here. Would you like to see her?"
I said, "That's very good. I wanted to meet Stalin, but no harm; some part of Stalin…at least royal blood!"

When I asked her, "How was he behaving with your mother?" she just started weeping.
She said, "He was a monster. He used to beat my mother. He used to beat me for any small thing and we could not say a single word against him, because he would do the same to us as he would have done to anybody else—he would kill us. We were treated just like servants."

Even Stalin's wife could not enter his room without knocking and asking permission. She had to make an appointment—and they lived just in the same house. Stalin was very much in favor of what he called women's liberation. And people thought it was not women's liberation; it was just making all women prostitutes. Everybody was against it. The whole of the communist party's high-ranking people were against it; not a single person was in favor. That's why the policy was dropped.

Otherwise everything that was private became public—and by public it simply meant it became state-owned. Your house, your horse, your hands, your land—everything became state-owned.

>> No.16090015 [View]
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>Kant and Hegel are incredible philosophers
Buddha, Chuang Tzu or Jesus are not philosophers like Hegel, or Kant. If you read Hegel the meaning has to be discovered. It is very arduous, as if Hegel is making every effort to make it more and more difficult, weaving words around words, making everything riddle-like. So when you first encounter Hegel he will look superb, a very high peak, but the more you penetrate and the more you understand, the less of a man he becomes. The day you understand him, he is just useless.

The whole trick is that you cannot understand him, that's why you feel he is so great. Because you cannot understand, your mind is baffled, because you cannot understand, your mind cannot comprehend, the thing seems to be very mysterious, incomprehensible. It is not, it is only verbal. He is trying to hide, he is not saying anything. Rather, he is saying many words without any substance.

So persons like Hegel are immediately appreciated, but as time passes appreciation of them disappears. Persons like Buddha are not immediately appreciated, but as time passes you appreciate them more. They are always before their time. Centuries pass, and then their greatness starts emerging, then their greatness starts appearing, then you can feel it. Because their truth is so simple, there is no garbage, there is no rubbish around it. It is so factual you can miss it if you think about it.

When you are listening to a Chuang Tzu, just listen. Nothing else but a passive receptivity, a welcome, is needed on your part. Everything is clear, but you can make it a mess, and then you can get confused by your own creation. These disciples must have missed Chuang Tzu - they are missing him again. They are worried about what is going to be done.

And this point has to be understood: a man of wisdom is always concerned with the being, and a man of ignorance is always concerned with questions of doing, what is to be done. Being is not a question to him.

Chuang Tzu is concerned with being; the disciples are concerned with doing. If death is coming then what is to be done? What should we do? The master is going to die, so what about the funeral? We must plan it.

We are mad about planning. We plan life, we plan death, and through planning the spontaneity is destroyed, the beauty is destroyed, the whole ecstasy is destroyed.

>> No.14142646 [View]
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hahaha stay mad

>> No.14142612 [View]
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So Germans are Aryans - but the idea that Aryans are the chosen ones also comes from India. That's why there was a great sympathy in India for Adolf Hitler - for two reasons: India was against the British because they had been enslaving it for three centuries, exploiting it; and now Adolf Hitler was promising that India was the homeland of the Aryans. So one of the greatest Indian leaders, Subhash Chandra, escaped from India and reached Germany; and Adolf Hitler had never received and welcomed anybody else like Subhash. And he was nobody; he had escaped from a British jail.

What Adolf Hitler had said, receiving Subhash Chandra, is worth remembering. He said, "I am the leader of a small group of Aryans. This man, Subhash Chandra, comes from the original Aryan home. I represent only a small fragment; he represents the whole Aryan race. Give him the respect that he deserves." It was Adolf Hitler who sent Subhash to Japan to persuade them to attack from the other side.

The idea that you are special needs some way to be proved, and argumentation is a very sophisticated way to prove it. The sword is not a very sophisticated way to prove that you are true, but argument is. It looks very cultured, but deep down the game is the same - just the same ego, the same trip. It is unfortunate that in India no Socrates happened.

I have been meeting these world teachers, and they have become so settled with the idea of their being world teachers - now it is inherited. When one shankaracharya dies he writes a will for somebody else to succeed him. That one becomes a world teacher_not even defeating a single person in debate. I have been discussing with many of these world teachers. They have completely forgotten what argument is.

I am reminded: I came in conflict with one jagatguru, with one world teacher - that was my first conflict with a shankaracharya - in a world religious conference. He was telling a simple story, a very simple story which I had used many times before. And I have nothing against the story; the story is beautiful and significant to explain a certain truth. But it was not a question of truth; it was the way he was speaking - that he was the world teacher_.

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