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>> No.20500952 [View]
File: 260 KB, 1200x633, F8D0D46C-B19E-4E0B-974A-F392B779D618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the freakishly dystopian nature of it. The totalitarian dystopia was quietly gaining momentum, building up in the background over the past decades — maybe even centuries, if you want to get into lurid theories about some type of Masonic/Illuministic cabal — and has done such a masterly work of social engineering — that it appears to be the most “normal” thing in the world! It’s just the “normal” way modern society is, even “inevitable”, the “freest, most tolerant, enlightened, educated, affluent, and liberal era in known human history”! It was inevitable African-Americans were freed from slavery, segregation ended, given the vote, affirmative action instituted, and then movements like BLM came about; only “racists” and “White supremacists” think “any of this might be going too far; the same people today who dislike aspects of BLM and radical leftist teachings such as critical race theory, are the same who were against the ending of slavery and against desegregation, they are preemptively already wrong, antiquated bigots in the line of slaveholders”. It was inevitable women were given the vote, allowed in the workforce, diversity quotas and scholarships also made for them to “smooth out the wage gap from the history of patriarchal repression,” inevitable gays allowed to marry and then the LGBTQ+ and pride movement come about, then transgenderism finally as the seeming ultra-modern, most sophisticated, “liberal” endpoint of this — normalizing transgenderism, including it in the education of children, puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy, surgery, and the like.

The brilliant demonism of it is that it’s so hard to go against without becoming the enemy. You are essentially preemptively the bigot, a “far-right neo-Nazi” now even if you fully believe, “I do not think any race is superior or inferior to another, so not want to stone gays to death or execute transgender people, don’t want Blacks back in chains and women back in the household — I simply think the social justice cult which blames all evils in the world on White men, and holds designated minority groups are in all cases the sanctified victim and can never do or go wrong, goes too far in some cases.”

>> No.20473739 [View]
File: 260 KB, 1200x633, 9CCA5DC9-FB7F-4C4C-90F7-C7B38D879E82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. This is why I love the image of Indra’s net, as well as the school of Hwa Yen Buddhism encapsulated by the Avamtaksa Sutra, Flower Garland Sutra. In Western mysticism, there’s also the apocryphal saying from somewhere or other that God is an infinite sphere (or circle) whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere. Even the people who should know the best, should know better, get into this great pettiness — becoming the ultimate brain-scholar and comparative religionist who can authoritatively weigh and pontificate on their Ultimate-Model-of-Reality.

Speaking in terms of Western esoteric and philosophical schools, I think you can say metaphysics, for the truly interested and devoted student, eventually has to come to something like a postmodern open-ended Hermetic Neoplatonic theosophy (not in the sense of “Theosophy (tm)”, the cult, but the timeless tradition of theosophy).

A Hindu guru might disparage the Islamic Sufis, deny whatever spiritual development and insight they may have attained and may give you — “If you want THEIR results, go to them and see what they can give you, but only we have the real way to moksha.” Similar for every major religion and schools of mysticism and esotericism — they will all essentially be dickslapping each other in petty ways and essentially so much as saying, “We have the ultimate cultural conditioning,” — but the very image of Indra’s net and the cosmology of Hwa Yen Buddhism, I think encapsulates the issue very well, by portraying enlightenment as a timeless potential timelessly happening in humanity and timelessly repeating itself — endless past Buddhas and future Buddhas in endless worlds. Various respected major Buddhist figures as well as Tibetan Buddhists or scholars of Vajrayana, have actually said it seems probable Blavatsky actually was somehow somewhere initiated into Mahayana and/or higher lamaistic teachings, despite the relative imperfections of Theosophy itself as a sect and the mystification and bullshit around it.

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