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>> No.9688603 [View]
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The Traditionalists despised Jung and his ilk. Peterson's crypto-Freudian and neo-Darwinian spectacles he loves to wear so much while talking about traditional societies and "religious" doctrines are totally unrepresentative of them. He hasn't even tried to understand them. His understandings are false, materialist and satanic; and he too often enjoys giving his opinion as if its established fact.

If the apex of your understanding of initiatic/heroic doctrines is that when we were supposed nascent beasts of the tropics killing snakes with clubs, the memory became assimilated into a peripheral and subliminal psycho-biological substratum, to later project itself unto totems and symbols deifying the heroic act of a primitive, instinctual past, then you've done nothing but project a modern, materialist enterprise onto a foreign, ancient science of past ages and inner circles. The putrid rain really sets in when these dilettantes take ludicrous ends to falsely assume a "therapeutic" foundation in the few initiatic practices they even recover.

It hits my tongue like a harsh vinegar.

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