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>> No.14427837 [View]
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>Yeah what we learn is that metaphysics was never right in any way and no scientific development ever got us further away from materialism rather than closer to it
Science is a tool to dissect the material. The scientific method will never discover anything that is immaterial, not because it doesn't exist, but because the foundation of science is not geared toward it.
This has been explained numerous times in this thread.
No u
Based. Brainlets will mistake this for schizoposting, because they are brainlets.
There's stuff like Greek mythology, healing crystals, souls, chakras, and infinite more profane bullshit that humans have come up with. This is pseudoscience. But to mistake pseudoscience for metaphysics and vice-versa is a grave error.
Pseudoscience tries to posit theories about the material world, such as "this dumb crystal will magically heal you!" and this is obviously easily refuted with real science, such is science's domain. It dissects the material world and tells us what's inside it.
Metaphysics isn't about healing crystals or magical souls or spirit science or anything like that. It's not just bad science. It's completely outside it.
As I explained here >>14426912 mystics using negative terminology, not positive description, are the only ones really grasping what is essential. True metaphysics is the study of what is ineffable, immutable, unqualified, invisible, timeless, spaceless, and boundless. Notice how I didn't say "its an omnipotent wizard in the sky with a beard who gives commandments", because that would be speaking of something in the material world, which is the domain of science, or rather merely pseudoscience.
This may sound like I'm talking about something that doesn't exist, because I describe it in negative terms, but really it is a kind of "negative existence" as the Kabbalists say.
There will always be an outside the box. Until science has a total, absolute view of all reality and everything that exists (which I already have shown that it can't), and in addition to this, a total view of all that does not exist (thus completing the inside and outside of the "box"), there will be an outside of the box.

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