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>> No.12427001 [View]
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>What if this Extreme Reality is actually the pure logic of Space, what if this is the actual Unshackled Logic?
i don't see any reason why it wouldn't be. it's why i have no problem seeing a pretty simple connection between Spinoza, Hegel, Heidegger, Lacan, Deleuze, and Land: in a word, it's schizophrenia. the Phenomenology of Spirit inspires Marx, and it is dizzyingly creative. it is like a fucking spiral staircase, winding through the stars, directly to the front door of the absolute. in Heideggerian, or Lacanian terms, i think it describes how it is we ought to relate to each other as human beings: all these forces are locked within, and all we really can do, in the end, is act as if we are secretly in on the same joke, which manifests in an infinity of different ways. of course, if we are *all* mad - or, worse, not even quite as Inspired as we ought to be - then it is impossible to distinguish between analysts and analysands. we encounter each other, in the world, as nomads.

capitalism-as-schizophrenia is not a crazy comparison. it's actually academic politics that are far more normative than capital itself is; that is the true 'shadow of religion.' capital is only insufficiently schizophrenic desire. if you want to theorize how schizophrenia works, look no further than capital's de/re-territorializations. or Deleuzian philosophy in general. schizophrenia philosophically understood doesn't have a point, unless its point is capital; and even that in turn seems to be crying out today for a Master to explain it, which - incredibly - may turn out to be Silicon Valley communism. but Diversity is a fucking joke. it's like a third-rate version of Freud introducing himself as Master Thinker, Master Diagnostician of your unconscious. this would be impossible. there are no *experts in schizophrenia,* because schizophrenia by definition renders Absolute Knowing impossible. what we *can* do is recognize that in every other person lies, essentially, something *like* the PoS, or the Ethics, or Kapital: sketches of the infinite. we absolutely must not deprive others of their connections to the infinite. this is exactly what i believe Heidegger meant when he spoke of Openness to Being. we all have a dancing star in us: the words don't matter, because the words are irreducible to each other. Freedom massively exceeds us. politics is the fucking CTRL mechanism that we wind up doing when we feel we have to, but that thing that makes us feel as though we have to do things is precisely what Lacan wanted to crowbar you out of. as you say:

>We are stuck. What if "stuckness" and pathological re-hashing and melancholy are simply the Capitalism symptoms of Extreme Reality finally getting to the surface?
find a flaw. what you are calling Extreme Reality is, i think, that which has to be let out. but it can't be *forced* out, i don't think, except in conditions of vengeance, sadly. but even then, rage isn't the point. rage is just frustration.

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