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>> No.14557587 [DELETED]  [View]
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There's no incel books.

Think of a moose. A moose can fuck your shit up. He can probably take down a tree with a headbutt if he really wants to.
Now, what could drive such a powerful animal, such an absolute fucking unit, to ram his head against the head of a fellow?
What could be this strong drive that would make him not only risk his life, but risk his life while trying to take down another animal from the same species?

Perhaps those play a role, but you know the answer. Reproduction. Sexual drive. Nature has, over more than a billion years, selected males to do stupid competitive and risky behavior and expect sexual opportunities in return. This sex drive is strong enough that males will kill other males for it even if this makes no sense for the survival of the species. This has been so violently selected for that even extremely powerful animals like this still often kill each other for the slightest chance of access to partners.

Sex doesn't randomly feel good. Companionship doesn't randomly feel good.
Imagine how long it took natural selection to hone this powerful sex drive before it got to the point where a naked hairless ape was willing to jump in front of a saber-tooth to fetch food for his partner.

For all the culture and society mankind created, it's not that easy to turn those honed drives off. So you get perfectly civilized men that look at a picture of a naked woman, and these drives will spring up making them do all manners of things, like buying bath water from streamers or competing to see who is the most woke male feminist on twitter. They will swear it's not about their sex drive, but it is.

Incels are the sad consequence of this. If incels could choose, they would probably choose to turn off all of those honed instincts, because not finding companionship and not being sexually attractive will inevitably lead to frustration if we consider what was discussed above. For an incel moose this is not too relevant since his consciousness is limited. He will feel some frustration and die off. For an incel human however, he will be very aware of this frustration, and there really is nothing to do about it. There is no solution besides perhaps getting lucky and eventually finding a partner. This doesn't really make for a a compelling narrative, so no one will write about it.

Houllebecq's characters, for instance, are either sexually frustrated ugly man that somehow just keep getting women in their lives, or Tisserand. Tisserand is the only incel, but the book is not about him, and he mostly just gets dehumanized and killed off uneventufully like the barely conscious incel moose.

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