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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19078253 [View]
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Nicholas II
Unbelievably based

>> No.18364086 [View]
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>100 Years of Solitude
ive tried chronicle of a death foretold and drop it
kind of boring

>> No.16711985 [View]
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>> No.16479306 [View]
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The word "simp" will mark this generation's most miserable retards. They will deny the role men have played in relationships for millenia, as Limb and Axe, for empty, sordid reasons. They will marry pathetic or ghastly women, whom they will treat like animals, not realizing the strength of Myshkin's pity or their duty to protect what they love. Just so, they will likely never love. They will damn love in fact, and convince other men of its nonexistence. And they will carry out this pitiful cycle of normie men with their ugly wives: men who lament and regret and die ultimately alone, having never understood beauty or how to live in it.
I hope to God that you all have some sense. I hope you are all able to obtain just one strand of that life-divining substance, and I hope it is not stolen from you as Dostoevsky portrays it to be. I hope it is not stolen from you as it was from me, by disease or what have you. It's fucking lonely.

>> No.15423999 [View]
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Most dosto ITT

>> No.15388508 [View]
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>never read Dostoyevsky, sorry
>incredibly well read in comparison to the average /lit/izen, as someone who has posted here since this board's inception and as someone who has read literally thousands of books
oh okay you're a faggot

>> No.15309097 [View]
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Dude right? Some of these guys, you read them and expect them to be hideous. It's nutty.

>> No.15187124 [View]
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>are doing what amounts to philosophy (except they aren't trained philosophers)

If what your doing isn't engaging with the corpus of philosophy, it isn't philosophy, even if it cover similar ground

>> No.14855265 [View]
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The Idiot is the opposite of c&p, instead of the main character being a guilty sad man the main character is innocent and lovely. You might just not like dosto

>> No.14250039 [View]
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That's not a refutation at all

>> No.13100332 [View]
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The monster had no soul and no moral compass.
Victor tried to play God and lost his humanity.

>> No.13053103 [View]
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The Holy Bible

>> No.12791417 [View]
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>The Dictator's Handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
>Math, U of Toronto
>Yes. I wouldn't have rather studied anything else, I only regret it cause my family kept fucking me over mid-semester, so I went on leave a year ago to fix my life.

I look like pic related

>> No.12139785 [View]
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>> No.11962317 [View]
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I think I'm gonna start with the Kybalion, any more recs?

>> No.11158391 [View]
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There isnt much in it's way, other than what I haven't done. Imagination, it's own little proper prison, a cell in my own head, is willing; the same cannot be said for what's to do with willpower, time and motivation.

Perhaps my naivety caught up with me. I always expected to churn out a fantastical story of unknown scale. Horizons that scaled from mind to heart.

And here I have, as a result, done nothing. My own uselessness was no more similar to desolation that a knight is to a dragon. Deranged circumstances.

>> No.10740501 [View]
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>Can't write that fast
>A couple hundred words with a couple thousand on a good day
>Writing in fits and spurts
>Every time I start getting a good pace going some bullshit crops up that forces me to put shit down for a few days
>Every time I come back to it I have a harder and harder time getting back to a good pace
I just wanted to have a first draft out by the summer.

>> No.10658576 [View]
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>Humans are already killing the Earth
>The motive for space travel is to spread throughout space only to harvest and kill the entire solar system

>> No.10594388 [View]
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OP ur a dumb bitch, nobody cares about your dumb dream
honestly you talk like an autist; everything about your rhetorical choices undermines the changes you want to make. How can you use 4chan for any period of time and think a sterile """reasoned""" paragraph will move anyone or change anything?
furthermore all your responses reek of """reason""". the kind or """reason""" that discredits an argument for both not being true and showing you think your better than those without good """reasons""".
you don't love this board and it would be better off without you

>> No.10593483 [View]
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I've run all the way to the other half of the world by now.

>> No.10564687 [View]
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Why do you some of you idiots even bother with the Greeks if you're bored by them, or only read the "good parts"? Is it all just to have a sense of accomplishment that you've read them, despite not taking away anything valuable from their writings?

Anyways, I'm starting to read Nagy's The Best of the Achaeans.

>> No.10521366 [View]
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i fukn shulda helpd moar.

You know. Writing out for 30 minutes in the most brutal thought-provoking fashion I can and yet it just could have as easily been boiled down to this so what is the point? I feel as though I tap into my very soul but can boil anything down into a complete shitpost. Is it that I can't find value? What am I missing? God damn it.

>> No.10471549 [View]
File: 201 KB, 857x1134, 1512612050588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real Christianity.
Read the Philokalia.

>> No.10469803 [View]
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How do I guide you. You are so far off course that I truly wish this is a shit post. Do not hurt your fellow man. Its that fucking simple.

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