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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4059376 [View]
File: 215 KB, 1423x1620, 1373977978560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 19
Sex: Male
Nationality: American (US)
Languages: English
Degree/job: Psychology/Philosophy/Education student
(Aspiring) writer?: In what sense? I write and finish on a frequent basis, sure.
Published?: No. Don't plan on it it either.
Authors you love: Whoever wrote Hebrews, Plato, Freud, Jung, Zizek (lulwutapleb), Pirsig, Huxley (his later stuff; not anything like BNW, though I don't hate on that necesarrily)
Authors you hate: Judith Butler, Chomskyhonk (love and hate, really), Hume (so boring)
Currently reading: The Gas by Platt
Favorite books: Republic, Phaedrus, Civilization and Its Discontents, Island (Huxley), Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Hebrews

>> No.3941680 [View]
File: 215 KB, 1423x1620, girl-and-cat-1937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the image on the front cover of my edition. Any artfags will agree that a Balthus image is the perfect choice to adorn a Lolita cover. But in my opinion, I don't think this particular painting of his was the best choice. I kind of hate her face... Don't know why. There is just something off putting. But then again, maybe that's the intention.



I like the image and the overall cover design, but I don't think it works all that well as the cover for Lolita.


Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired.

'Annotated'? Are you serious? God that would be hilarious to read for certain scenes. A butterfly isn't a bad choice for a cover image though.

This is probably the ugliest one. Disgusting type. Girl is too young. Muh symbolism.

I can't imagine why. Maybe because all the others at the time were awful.

Too obvious. No subtlety or class.

Best ITT.

Is this real? It's just try hard and doesn't say anything about the book. Is it meant to be Lo staring at the ceiling while she is being fucked? I better stop there - I wouldn't want to validate this shitty cover by over analyzing it.

Eugh... movie still as a front cover. Please kill me now.

Green? Why? Also, anachronisms.

Someone went a bit crazy with the type. And the silhouette makes it seem like a story about a fairy princess.

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