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>> No.17526472 [View]
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You are the good god who heightens the beautiful things
of this world,
who tints the Two Lands gold and silver,
A youth in splendid clothing, a lord well-loved,
mighty, unwearying,
swift-footed, far-striding,

O ariser from eastern horizon,
dispeller of darkness from far ends of earth,
Each eye is filled with awe
as it offers praise at your appearing,
As it watches the Primal One with rejoicing:
and those who accompany you kiss the earth.

You who go to rest in the western horizon,
spreading darkness over all earth,
Light is born at your coming forth,
earth darkens when you go down to your dwelling.

Handsome youth whom Ptah created,
distinguished above all the gods,
You came forth as the Falcon, commander,
with the two Serpents intertwined at your brow,
ruling eternity, sovereign over the gods of forever.
It is you are the king, lord of the atef-crown,
beloved, and your eyes enlighten the earth.

And you are Ré~all forms, all beings—
all living things come to exalt you;
Your mother Nut puts awe in the Two Lands
that they double their worship of you.
You are the primeval one, lord of eternity, great to the far end
of time,
who sails across the sky in the Night Bark,
shining in splendor in the Day Bark.

By the nobleman, Horemheb, who says:
Let me praise you, with your splendor in my eyes,
and may your sunlight fill my breast
as one who champions
Truth under your Majesty, each day.

>> No.16821166 [View]
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§5.1.2. So, let every soul first consider that soul itself10 made all living
beings by breathing life into them, those that are nourished by the earth
and the sea, those in the air, and the divine stars in heaven. Soul itself
5 made the sun and this great heaven, and it ordered it, and makes it
circulate in a regular way, being a nature different from that which it
orders, from that which it moves, and from that which it makes to be
alive.11 And it is necessarily more honourable than these, since while
these are generated and destroyed whenever soul departs from them
or supplies them with life, soul itself exists forever by ‘not departing
from itself’.12
10 As for the actual manner in which it supplies life to the whole
universe13 and to each individual, this is how soul should reckon the
matter: let it consider the great soul,14 as being itself another soul of no
small value having already been released from deception, and from the
things that have enchanted other souls, and that it is in a state of
tranquillity. Let not only its encompassing body and its surging waves 15
be tranquil, but all that surrounds it;15 let the earth be tranquil, the sea
and the air be tranquil, and heaven itself, its better part.16 Let this soul,
then, think of the great soul as, in a way, flowing or pouring everywhere
into immobile17 heaven from ‘outside’,18 inhabiting and completely
illuminating it. Just as rays from the sun light up a dark cloud, make it 20
shine, and give it a golden appearance, so soul entered into the body of
heaven and gave it life, gave it immortality, and wakened it from sleep.

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