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>> No.12566289 [View]
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>destroys cultures and small communities
False, the basis of unregulated capitalism is private property. We currently have a system of government ownership of land whereby any person can travel to wherever they want. This would not happen in a free market, as everything would be owned privately. Therefore, you would have the right to associate or disassociate with whoever you wanted. Not to mention that laws governing who you can hire and fire would not exist.

>makes everything a struggle for resources, thus creating endless divisions
That is the human condition. You are born with a need for resources and a desire for more than you need. The opposite end of the economic spectrum is a system that promises you free shit (resources) but can't deliver.

>destroys the middle class
Objectively wrong, capitalism creates the middle class and shrinks the lower class. There is a direct correlation that can be seen between the freedom of the market and the size of these classes.

>DOES provide financial incentive for corporations to lobby for government to bring in immigrants or outsource so they can lower their wages
That's retarded. You don't even know what a free market is. A free market is free from government intervention. That's what makes it "Free". Therefore, what you are describing is not free market, but in fact a form of socialism (government intervention)

>DOES provide financial incentive for child slave labor, which is still very prevalent today
Socialism provides the same incentives - namely wanting more stuff. However, slavery is not tenable in a free market as it is not possible for someone to own you as self-ownership is the basis for private property rights. If you looked at the countries where slave labor is prevalent, you would see that they are not close to market economies.

The Mystery of Banking is a must read too.

Those countries essentially go though cycle wherby they generate wealth through the free market, start implementing socialist policies, start losing money and everything goes to shit, and then start going more free market again. Even with their high taxes, their laws are so much more free market oriented that they still qualify as the freest markets in the world.

All of their wealth was generated through the free market, the nanny state has nothing to do with it and was a later invention.

We found a real brain-genius here.

They're not, especially for specialized services.

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