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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18377245 [View]
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>> No.17759456 [View]
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missed one

>> No.17639218 [View]
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Is Hegel about coming to a realization of the absolute, or is it about a radical encounter with the limits of your own subjectivity (pic related)?

>> No.17537775 [View]
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1. Use at least one of—and preferably more than one of—the following words: obscene, obscenity, perverse, perversion, ambiguous, ambiguity, paradox, paradoxically, sex, sexuation, ideology, ideologically, (self-)negation.

2. Use at least one—and preferably more than one—“emphasizing” word such as: precisely, absolutely, definitely, definitively, radically, fully, fundamentally.

3. Refer to—and, preferably, allow the sentence to be interpreted as a critique of—capitalism, political correctness, “liberal” (aka insufficiently radical) leftists, or minorities (especially Muslim immigrants).

4. Refer to one of—and preferably refer to more than one of—the following philosophers: Hegel, Lacan, Marx, Freud, Badiou, and/or one of the following historical figures: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Lenin.

5. Make use of at least one—and preferably more than one—“technical” Hegelian/Lacanian/Badiouan/psychoanalytic concept: the Real, the Absolute, the Event, the Nothing, the Void, the non-All, the object petit a, the Transcendental, the superego.

Here are three examples:

>But is not the obscene ambiguity of capitalism precisely an Event in Badiou’s sense—that is, a paradoxical (self-)negation of the Real?

>Here we must absolutely reject the implied distinction between the ideology of Stalinism and its leftist liberal perversion; rather, we must fully embrace the inherent paradoxicality of the Hegelian Absolute

>Lacan’s theory of sexuation definitively offers an answer: the Nothing as embraced by Muslim immigrants is fundamentally obscene in more than a purely ideological sense—it is transcendentally constituted; it is radically sexualised.

>> No.17374907 [View]
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Is he a hack?

>> No.16952933 [View]
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>When he was 6, my son told me us communists are stupid and that differences, inequality and competition are good things
Imagine getting BTFO by a 6 year old kek

>> No.16878344 [View]
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what is his secret?

>> No.16811544 [View]
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Would he stop being a communist if he started working out?

>> No.16702700 [View]
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Have any of you guys read him?

>> No.15916526 [View]
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Why do you guys respect this hack? He literally admitted that he doesn't watch any of the movies he critiques lol. Everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit

>> No.15880017 [View]
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Can someone explain his ontology? I can't for the life of me understand it.

>> No.15773808 [View]
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But Will, I still think we should have at least one lager. You have to trust people!

>> No.15681616 [View]
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What do you think of the greatest philosopher alive? You have read him, haven't you?

>> No.15657952 [View]
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Is he based?

>> No.15653634 [View]
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Tell me one (1) reason why you shouldn't be marxist in 2020.

>> No.15470028 [DELETED]  [View]
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Zizek on Black Lives Matter


>> No.15173941 [View]
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If you want to work in some academic field or adjacent area it's useful. Otherwise it is worthless due to the material hierarchy we live under. If you want to be objectively successful then go super autist and study engineering or something or just do your own thing and let the normies toil away for Mr.Shekelstein.

>> No.14739494 [View]
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In this age of social medias and 24/7 no-privacy contact with everyone's intimate lives, people like Zizek, Peterson, Rupi Kaur and etc immediately become jokes, because you get to know them not just by their writings (which once in a blue moon might have something good in them), but also by their opinions and behaviors at their dumbest most vulnerable moments.
The thing most people miss is that no writer or philosopher ever would have survived this same level of scrutiny, and an unimaginable amount of polishing and cherry picking is necessary to make the thinkers, writers and kings of the past seem like the inspiring figures they were. This is literally true for every single writer that has ever existed.
Your favorite writers would not survive a barrage of constant scrutiny, all day and all night, regarding every little thing they say or do or write or think. They would also be shown to be completely ignorant or laughably stupid regarding certain things, completely ruining their image. They would be laughed at for their political or religious of scientific views, for their choices of lifestyle, for their haircut, for their fashion sense, for some minute thing they did or didn't do in some social event.

I hope this is enough of a self evident truth at this point. Now that this is settled, we can begin to answer the important question:
When will the world finally have its first good writer, and what country will he be from?

>> No.14538584 [View]
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>> No.14053895 [View]
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>real philosophy only begins in germany
Woah... So this is /lit/'s hero, amazing.

>> No.13997479 [View]
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You're retarded. The status quo just adopts leftist views because that's what sounds nice and is convenient. You really think your random Twitter dyke is a communist like it says in her bio? Are you that fucking stupid? You think people retweeting about YAAAAS QUEEN SLAAAAY are representative of leftist thought? That's pretty much on the level of saying that if you want to hear rightwing positions you should go listen to people from /r/TheDonald. I mean honestly, how disingenuous can you be?
>unable to pose a meaningful threat to the status quo or even form coherent views apart from social pressure and ephemeral moral panics
Yes, that goes for literally all ruling classes.It was no different when they were rightwingers, or just today in rightwing circles.
>They have effectively abandoned the christian-augustinian conception of the self and human interiority for a very shallow therapeutic and performative conception
No shit, philosophy starts at Kant, faggot, get out of the fucking time machine.

>> No.13974497 [DELETED]  [View]
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Quick, give the Zizekian view of the Joker movie before Zizek himself does so

>> No.13949938 [View]
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>However, the true enemy of the present book is not new realist visions but what one is tempted to call the fine art of non-thinking, an art which more and more pervades our public space: wisdom instead of thinking proper—wisdom in the guise of one-liners intended to fascinate us with their fake “depth.” They no longer function as articulated propositions but more like images providing instant spiritual satisfaction; Duane Rouselle provided some elements of this depressing picture:
(1) Word Art is popular and seems to be the new kitsch. I checked and it is increasing in sales volume at high end and low end (walmart) shops. The word art always comes as a piece of wisdom: “Enjoy what you have,” “sometimes in life, family is all that you need,” and so on.
(2) McDonald’s restaurants now plaster their walls with these little pieces of wisdom. One of the most frequented chains in Toronto has on the second floor an entire wall dedicated to “sometimes in life,” and so on.
(3) In the United States it is popular to curate large collections of quotations on social media walls (Facebook, Instagram, etc). What is most interesting is that Facebook has even made it, in the last few years, so that a user can write something using symbolic inscriptions and it will automatically convert it into a rectangular image. This rendering of the symbolic as image is what is most essential about this ideology.
(4) Entire cases of books are dedicated at popular book franchises to “poetry.” Inside are “life lessons” or wisdoms. One such popular author is named Rupi Kaur. Each page is a life lesson and in the background there is an image that conveys the message. These books are extremely popular and on the best sellers list.
I could go on—these are all examples, I think, of the triumph of the image over the symbolic hole.
>Therein resides the ideological function of Word Art wisdoms: while Word Art presents itself as a safe haven, a retreat from the madness of capitalist hyper-activity, in reality it makes us the best participants in the game—we are taught to maintain the inner peace of not-thinking. The task of thinking is not to simply fill in this symbolic hole but to keep it open and render it operative in all its unsettling force, whatever the risks of this operation.

So I guess now that he attacked Rupi, he's no longer /ourguy/?

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