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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14321346 [View]
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>Pleasure resulting from resolution of semen may arise in two ways. If this be the result of the mind's purpose, it destroys virginity, whether copulation takes place or not.
later virgins

>> No.11544178 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 8 KB, 222x216, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 3 years ago 8th grade
>started having a crush on qt3.14 8/10
>she does gymnastics so guaranteed nice cakes
>im a fat short NEET who hadn't hit puberty some kids know i got small dick
>i liked playing vidya and airsoft
>too fat and NEET to ever ask out girl in 8th grade
>figure out shes going to same hs as me
>so NEET i buy a fleshlight
>dick too small to use it hangmyself.jpeg
>get motivated over summer to hs
>lose 50 pounds over course of few months mans making gains
>started to hit growth spurt now 6'6"
>weight loss + pooberty = 8''dick
>ask girl out in school she fucking ghosts me irl headingtothetracks.jpeg
>one day me and sum hommies go to play airsoft
>fuc on some kids and older hommies start to pour in
>nigtard with insane gun on other team
>nigward lights up my dic full auto even tho semi only field
>ambulance takes me to hospital
>doctor says my dick can never be erect again
>decide to say fuckit and tell him to give me a vagoon instead then
>get vagoon go full on trap now im a qt3.14 9/10
>return to school get looks from all the bois everybody lookin at my ass
>slide up to qt3.14 from middleschool's locker
>she gives me compliments
>become friends
>turns out shes a fucking lesbo and thats y she didnt want mountain 8'' dick
> starts to cuddle with me one day at her hosue
>"I love you anon"
> decide tell her i lov her back since she was crush since middleschool
>*we both strip*
>shes fine with artificial pussy hugewin.jpeg
>go down on her
> mf tastes like strawberries
>mf got pussy anyway
see ya later virgins

>> No.17355 [View]
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>tfw I'm both /fit/ and /lit/
Best timelime, thank you based Hiroshima

>> No.7895496 [View]
File: 8 KB, 222x216, Cool_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What creative strategies have you considered as a means of either making your book appealing to publishing houses or in marketing and finding an audience for it?

I have recently completed the sixth and final installment of my debut memoir, and although the editing process will take another two months or so to conclude I am forced to accept that the most important thing for me in the foreseeable future is to identify publishing houses worthy of representing my book and thinking of ways to submit my work to them in a way that will leave them incapable of turning me down.

I am interested to learn what strategies others here have considered in doing so besides the traditional and at-this-point rather boring and ineffective strategy of submitting your work via formal channels (i.e. finding an agent and waiting to see if these individuals are able to correctly market a work that is not their own).

>> No.7149796 [View]
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Who /published/ here?
>tfw first short story getting published in an anthology this coming March
>tfw my writing apparently isn't shit
>tfw feel slightly less guilty about being a liberal arts major
>tfw things are looking up
We're all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.7075272 [View]
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>3,000 words in on both of my novels
>been editing them for months
>one is still shit currently but I'm pretty fucking proud of how the other one is turning out so far
>actually writing every day now instead of just talking about writing all the time while not actually doing it
I'm so happy, bros. I've tried to publish a few short stories before but they all got rejected. I know rejection is a natural part of the writing process, but it was still a huge blow to my confidence. Now I realize why that was: I wasn't happy with the quality of the work I was submitting. It's easy to be optimistic about getting published eventually when you're confident your work is good. If you're not happy with it, it's very hard to keep submitting it just to get rejected time and time again. So with these two, I'm just going to keep working on them until I get them to a point where I deem them to be publish-worthy, then submit them until they get accepted.

We're all gonna make it, bros.


>> No.6580859 [View]
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>have been pushed north into Vallejo and Stockton both of which went bankrupt a few years ago and don't have a full time police force (they rely on the CHP/Sheriff to do policing from 5pm-9am)

It's done wonders for the street racing scene there though. There's nothing better than racing around Vallejo at three in the morning knowing that the police will never bother with you. It's just like my animes.

>> No.6225251 [View]
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I drink whatever instant coffee the part-time students' lounge has

I'm not even a part-time student

Suck my cock nerds

>> No.5308947 [View]
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>> No.5281461 [View]
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>tfw got bit by spider, took a short nap, and now reads twice as fast

>> No.5260987 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 8 KB, 222x216, 1405111876823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has this idea ever been done?

we find God (as He is conceived in the Hebrew-Christian tradition) "inside" the internet

>> No.5248128 [View]
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>> No.5230446 [View]
File: 8 KB, 222x216, fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Ve a muchas conferencias sobre libros.
2. Intenta hacerte amigo de un autor publicado
3. ???
4. Escribele una carta a Fernando Vallejo en español del siglo XVI diciéndole que se quede en México y que vea como te vuelves el mejor escritor de Colombia del siglo XXI.

Mucha suerte parce.

>> No.5104512 [View]
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As fast as I saw "Other" with capital I knew it was going to be good.
Would steal for my thesis/10

>> No.5096298 [View]
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Ending of Death with Interruptions by Saramago. Although those were good feels.

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