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>> No.20097972 [View]
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All that said, although a beast to read, I ultimately found Hegel had far deeper and more meaningful insights than Nietzsche or Jung. And I've read plenty of both. I've read everything Nietzsche published, less of Jung, but four of his books and a number of his student's books. I actually prefer his student Robert A. Johnson's work to Jung himself. More practical and he frames it all very well in myth. I would start with He: Understanding Masculine Psychology, which focuses on a Jungian analysis of the Holy Grail myth, but Transformation and Ecstacy are great too. The Main Who Wrestled with God is a good Jungian analysis of Old Testament heros (different author).

If you could make your way through Psychology and Alchemy, this masterpiece might be accessible. Hegel and Whitehead build on Boehme.

>> No.19530948 [View]
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From Jacob Boehme, although Hegel formalized the essential elements of what he discovered in mystical ecstacy through the formalism of the Dialectical advancing towards the Absolute Idea. The power of sublation in definition, and the semiotics of negation give rise to the logical movement of being having to posit itself to have being, or that is, to advance forwards from pure unmediated being, which is pure abstraction and thus nothing, a contradiction of being, it must result in becoming.

Look at the Stanford Encyclopedia on Hegelian dialectical to start. It's unfortunately impossible to explain easily and you always end up sounding like a schizo trying to phrase these sentences quickly. I am sure I have failed here....

The Absolute is Being knowing Itself.

>> No.18637599 [View]
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>Implying there are no capitalist, American serial killers

>> No.18560745 [View]
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This is addressed in chapter two I believe.

Something existed but something cannot be defined, or have any meaning, without something which it is not to define it, through sublation. And so something had to create something Other to come to know itself.

This Something we might as well call God, and it generates the world to know itself. History is the process through which It is defined and comes to know itself in itself.

>> No.18558903 [View]
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No meme. I studied esoterica for years and Jung intensely before getting into philosophy.

It wasn't until pic related that I had something strike me with the full force of revelation. Something more intuitive and profound and even the momentary "clarity" of psychedelics and disassociative hallucinogens, while also solid, holding up to analysis. PoS is the systematization of Boehme's realizations. It's the only time I've felt religion with logical certitude despite a decade in churches.

>> No.18475292 [View]
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This and The Phenomenology were absolutely mind blowing. What else is similar?

>> No.18474457 [View]
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Meditation, repeating mantras, sensory deprivation, fasting.

You can read the Bible academically, or as literature, but you can also read it as prayer, mantra, reaching out to God in the word. This is subjectively very different.

Float tanks are expensive. Luckily overloading your sensory cortex with random noise works just as well. Look into Ganzfeld devices. Basically white noise and ping pong balls cut in half over your eyes, along with a red light. You will get sensory cut off eventually. For tactile sensation you can fill a tub with epsom salts but that is probably more effort than its worth.

I only attained full ego loss using the machine with a combination of salvia and nitrous oxide, or nitrous oxide and DMT, but ego loss is only one goal.

Then there is going to the Hebrew and looking at the numerical value of words and cross referencing them for meaning. I never had much luck here. I've only been interested in Kabblah academically. By all accounts it must be taught via direct experience.

A few works, pic related and the Phenomenology of Spirit, are basically trips into the magical headspace ritual tries to create by nature.

Why? I think this has to do with the amount of content and complexity of ideas coming across at once. The brain runs at 38 petroflops. 38 trillion calculations per second. You might not know calculus but your visual cortex does. Conciousness gets about 50 bits per second. It uses illusions to make itself seem more complete (Google Blind Brain Theory). You have a blind spot where your optic nerve enters the eye but don't experience it. The sense of volition in voluntary movement comes AFTER the brain has initiated movement (the experience of volition is something filled in for conciousness as illusion). You can drive miles down a highway and not be conscious of your driving as you day dream.

People think of the unconcious as doing low level thought only. It isn't. Systems used for reading philosophy or doing calculus don't go dark when they aren't in the recursive system of self awareness. Many geniuses have their breakthroughs spontaneously; Einstein had special relativity come at him all at once while he watched two window cleaners.

Point being, Boehme makes your brain work with symbolic shorthand, especially if you know your alchemy. The result is an activation of far more ideas at once than can fit in the shitty serial processor of the recursive conciousness system.

That's kind of the point of Crowley's Quabbalah too, but it is dumbed down.

Hegel gets at this point beautifully when he explain concepts in the Preface to PoS. We use cognitive short hand for ideas. Absolute knowing requires the whole of an idea, built up from knowledge of the parts.

This is also why people find Boehme so inaccessible, they lack the symbols. That's why I wish I had gone to Plato first and built up from there.

>> No.18320896 [View]
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Keep working on it. POS is a must to understand because it's basic, entry level build up for getting to understand pic related.

>> No.18311255 [View]
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Makes POS look downright straight forward.

>> No.18242569 [View]
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How do I into this?

It makes Phenomenology of Spirit look like a YA book with its impenetrability. The only time I made meaningful progress and felt like I was getting it, I ate a ton of weed before.

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