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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23134410 [View]
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Because it is the literary equivalent of being a fat ugly fuck playing a video game yet you make your in-game avatar an attractive in-shape girl with huge boobs. The pen name is too frequently "the you that you would like to be." It's usually something corny as well. Anyone who uses a pen name as opposed to their real one may be dismissed as a worthless coward with nothing of value to say, terrified that their sincere beliefs or literary efforts may tarnish their already-pathetic real world identity.

>> No.22949061 [View]
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Your concession is accepted, faggot.

>> No.22731604 [View]
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I live in America. Christianity is very casual here and I would not identify it as a deeply felt belief or worldview for many of the people who profess Christianity in polls. For a trite example consider Onlyfans thots who wear cross necklaces. Maybe you still count that-- I don't because I'm not so much interested in people professing belief in the Christian God as I am in the worldview that underlies such a profession of belief. I told someone in another thread that I don't consider for example Chinese communists to be atheists in the relevant sense, because even though they deny religion they don't fetishize adherence to liberalism as "freethinking."

I'm also arguably not a Christian because I care mostly about the New Testament and the Platonists, so you may be interested to consider why it is that I speak positively of orthodox Christians, and of other doctrines that are not mine, while speaking so negatively of atheists and psychologizing them.

>> No.22648125 [View]
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>Cicero claims that Hegesias wrote a book called ἀποκαρτερῶν (Death by Starvation), which persuaded so many people that death is more desirable than life that Hegesias was banned from teaching in Alexandria.
Probably this one.

>> No.21534369 [View]
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Why is it no one can read a poem without trying to dismantle it? They take wicked pleasure in ripping it apart when they think they're in a position to do so, and act with umbrage when their two-bit undesired opinions are shoved back in their faces. I often use poems by great poets to sniff these pesterers out, and it's amusing to see their illusion of critical sensibilities shattered.

Books for this feel?

>> No.16024683 [View]
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Isn't the point of this book that the narrator has unrealistic interpretations of his human relations and is unbearably pretentious, and then meets his hero Mozart at the end who says "lol chill the fuck out" while forcing MC to listen to his music on the radio

This book contributed heavily to my not being a total sperg

>> No.15888152 [View]
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Is Dak'kon the perfect depiction of this board?
Centering his search for meaning on literary works he ultimately deludes himself into thinking he had found it, even though this enlightenment was manufactured by others?
You realise that books are all made up, right?

>> No.15361963 [View]
File: 146 KB, 960x758, 1492784800023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like bars and nightclubs, i do enjoy socializing but those things are just anti-fun for me, most girls there and on instagram and tinder are super incompatible with me 90% of the time and i always find myself in a situation where im trying to appease to them with something that i find completely boring.
They always have a fuck ton of other people flocking around them and chances of them finding you interesting are already low. Those things are a giant meat grinder that i genuinely dont find it worth the effort.
If all the problems just boil to having sex then just hire a prostitute/escort that fits your likes.

>> No.15219170 [View]
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Probably market socialism. Its still very relevant in economic theory and as such, its only a economic theory.
Tbh i have this same problem and see many others also having it. People that would otherwise agree with the left in economic terms and support their ideas but are repulsed because of the other social ideas that the left seems to be more concerned with.
I pretty much dont agree with their premises of making all social codes as fluid as possible. And sometimes saying stupid shit like polyamory and "open" relationships are the way to go since they somehow "decommodify" sex, and treating the certain preferences that people have as solely the products of some alien plant that must be done with.

And then get all mad and grumpy when you mention that most societies with polygamy have it for even stricter hierarchy codes and how even the most egalitarian and old hunter gatherer tribes today are monogamous without having any "capitalistic" mentalities. How the free love hippy groups ended up breaking apart as people grew and found that relationships were more fulfilling the more exclusivity you have with the partner and the people that stayed more often ended up with violence and other social hierarchies.

This is all a shitfest and desu there are plenty of leftists that dont subscribe to all these notions. But this all contribuites to why the left in general is always on the losing side and subdividing itself further and further. Most of them are just horny people that try to play as the leftist but only care about imposing and removing the social codes they dont like, instead of trying to focus on the economic issues that your average person could agree with.

>> No.14907025 [View]
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Αυτό δεν βγάζει νόημα ηλίθιε

>> No.14801590 [View]
File: 146 KB, 960x758, mona lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any books that explore the different perceptions of groups of people in anonymous context?

I have this hypothesis that people who used the internet before it had worldwide appeal and ease of access tend to assume they are talking with white people, or even people of their own background, giving anons the benefit of the doubt, while the younger generation has no such assumptions and treats anonymity on the internet as a multicultural affair (with all the pathologies this brings)

Do you implicity think you are talking to white people on the internet or people of your own background?

>> No.14798980 [View]
File: 146 KB, 960x758, 1582225979993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey Oats

>> No.14759953 [View]
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Write a short story about this image.

>> No.14505125 [View]
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>> No.13637812 [View]
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So basically, our generation is playing Jumanji.

Those who know they're playing, throw the dice and take whatever happens. Those who don't, are a subset of a specific player, according to their points of view and hold those who pass as well.

>> No.13421689 [View]
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>Yes, the infamous socialist healthcare where you have to wait for years to get healthcare. Very good.
Dont know what you are talking about, the one in my country works good enough for what it is and most of the low class people benefit from it. There is a need for more because the public simply isnt big enough to meet with the demand. Also any medical emergency gets priority and almost zero wait time, while the the minor problems go to the back line. And my country isnt even that good in terms of the economy even before the public health system was implemented decades ago.
All this bitching when more than half of what the goverment takes is for military toys so the country can continue to shit in the middle east. No one complains that they are paying for some sub 90IQ guys with 13k worth of military equiment to sit around doing nothing but waste more money shooting lead at some arabs with "suppressing fire" so then they can show off their uniforms and how cool they are to the chicks.

>Healthcare and education prices in the US are high because the government is involved. Everywhere the government goes, prices skyrocket.
Just because the goverment dips the toes in there doesnt mean its going to change for the better unless they do the right stuff. Also, highly doubt that the prices for education and health in the US are because of the goverment and not because they are all owned by privates that need their profits and to pay their taxes to the goverment.
You dont know what public healthcare is. What a surprise.

>> No.12646338 [View]
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>Basic bitch that stinks and loves blacks because of the current dogma
>Has tattoos even before hitting 18, self harm and pseud buddism
>Still comes up to the conclusion that she is "kind and innocent"
That anon should punish her and exploit her to his own like. She is gonna rot away consuming social media and annoying everyone in the sorrounding, there is no hope for someone like her after all those years. People like her will end up the same way the hippies ended, its just a matter of who take the cake.

>> No.12433511 [View]
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>> No.11894301 [View]
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>> No.11512050 [View]
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Haruki is sort of like a not (that) atrocious Dan Brown type. I really liked A Wild Sheep Chase, but couldn't enjoy anything else I've tried after because everything else was more or less the same thing only not as concise and way longer than it had to be.

>> No.11496414 [View]
File: 131 KB, 960x758, u0viHeR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kafka - metamorphosis

Wilde - Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.11292708 [View]
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An altogether boring place, save for one beacon in the fog that the section of my memory pertraining to that backwater bookstore now is. Memorable by contrast, i assume, lips engorged to what must be their limit yet speaking nothing you would not hear anyway by mere accident in TV advertisements or could not readily synthesize in your head from general, or should i say, basic, knowledge, popular culture and contemporary library of acceptable opinions. Beard, reasonably lush, indicated a healthy male, but that is quickly deconstructed by the soft, unremarkable facial features and willowy limbs. I followed him discreetly between the shelves, curious as to what he was going to pick. Then a woman approached him, with his name on the lips as a query, like when you would approach someone you know but who does not know you. I glazed over to the cover of the "local poet" 's volume i had tucked under my armpit. It matched. I straightened all my fingers in what was part disgust part disbelief, and the book fell to the floorboards. Nobody heard it or otherwise noticed, so i was free to hurry outside, with slightly elevated pulse.

>> No.11022437 [View]
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t. FBI

>> No.11017481 [View]
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De arte venandi cum avibus

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