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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21201062 [View]
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New server dedicated to the discussion of religion and metaphysics from a traditional perspective: https://discord.gg/AsCVG7vd

>> No.21054436 [View]
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>Certain racial traits, which the white man tends to take for signs of inferiority, actually mark either a less mental — though not less spiritual — disposition than that of the average European or else a greater racial vitality. Here we must draw attention to the error of regarding prognathism, relatively low forehead or thick lips, as belonging to an obviously inferior type. [...] As for the forehead, its height or cranial volume denotes — if it denotes anything, which depends on a variety of factors — by no means always an intellectual quality, but more often a capacity which is solely creative or even merely inventive, a capacity which may, by luciferian deviation, become a veritable hypertrophy of the mind — a specific propensity to "thinking," but not at all to "knowledge."

>[...] The black man, for his part, seems an incarnation of the massiveness, at times volcanic, of the earth, whence comes the serene heaviness, or heavy serenity, that characterizes his beauty; his face can have the majesty of a mountain. Insofar as this both rough and sweet massiveness translates an aspect of Existence and can, for this reason, become the support for a contemplative attitude, it certainly is not a mark of inferiority. Let us add that the lugubrious side of Negro art and of animism in general as well as the sometimes rumbling, breathless and spasmodic tonality of African music are both connected with the element "earth," either in its cavernous, subterranean aspect or in its aspect of fertility and thus of sexuality.

Frithjof Schuon - Castes and Races


>> No.20743392 [View]
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I always had a bias against him due to what I've heard about his personal life and sufi order but after reading him I can only realize how wrong I was all of this time for ignoring his books.
One particular thing which I like about Schuon is the objectivity with which he approaches religions and sages, something that is lacking in Guenon, which seems to always see in a tradition what he wants to see, like for example when he says that Sufism is simply a metaphysical tradition (like Advaita) with no trace of mysticism in it.
I advise all guenonposters to read Schuon.

>> No.20723132 [View]
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Is he the next step after Guenon? I really enjoyed his book so far

>> No.20079407 [View]
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That nose doe

>> No.18623741 [View]
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Where should I start? Is there a reading list?

>> No.18539703 [View]
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I always get filtered by him.

>> No.17615950 [View]
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I am a Guenon reader and I always thought that he was some kind of a deviant(you already know the scandals around him), but I recently read him and holy shit, his books are actually really good. Can't say that he is better than Guenon but for sure he is an interesting author, people should read his books before judging him. It is sad that people like Schuon and Guenon became memes on 4chan.

>> No.17199702 [View]
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Is this guy any good? Does anyone have a reading list of his works?

>> No.17126780 [View]
File: 89 KB, 457x482, E903B433-8ED2-463A-A4D4-29A641BC4DC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Frithjof Shuon. Sometimes big brain nibbas need another alley towards god


>> No.14619405 [View]
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Friend, take the Frithjof Schuon pill. The discrepancy in verses like this comes from the fact that Christianity, at its core, is an esoteric faith. This is an esoteric verse, that if you follow its conclusion, ultimately leads to the golden rule, to love ones neighbor as oneself. This contains the truth that the neighbor is no different than the self, that God is present in everything. Ultimately, this verse then signifies humility before God, which means acknowledging the Holy Spirit of God within yourself.

>> No.14442134 [View]
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*teleports behind metaphysics*
"Pshh, nothing personell Guenon"

>> No.14177724 [View]
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*blocks your path*

>The human form cannot be transcended, its sufficient reason being precisely to express the Absolute, hence the untranscendable; and this cuts short the metaphysically and physically aberrant imaginations of the evolutionists, according to whom this form would be the result of a prolonged elaboration starting from animal forms; an elaboration which is at once arbitrary and unlimited.

>Materialists, even those who consider transformist evolution inexplicable and even contradictory, accept this hypothesis as an indispensable idea, which moreover carries us outside of science and into philosophy, or more exactly into rationalism with its reasonings cut off from the very roots of knowledge; and if the evolutionist idea is indispensable to them, it is because in their minds it replaces the concept of a sudden creation ex nihilo, which to them seems the only other possible solution.

>In reality, the evolutionist hypothesis is unnecessary because the creationist concept is so as well; for the creature appears on earth, not by falling from heaven, but by progressively passing - starting from the archetype - from the subtle to the material world, materialization being brought about within a kind of visible aura quite comparable to the "spheres of light" which, according to many accounts, introduce and terminate celestial apparitions. [From the Divine to the Human, p. 88]

>> No.13557757 [View]
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Not a single thing you said was true. Read Guenon...and then pic related.

>> No.13167595 [View]
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*dabs on guenon*
*dabs on evola*
*dabs on anglos*
nothing personell kiddos

>> No.12432184 [View]
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>im a shuonian
what kind of person do you imagine

>> No.12205272 [View]
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How should one go about reading Schuon's work? Is there a recommended order of reading?

>> No.11446538 [View]
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Has anyone read his works? He seems to be heavily involved in the perennial philosophy/traditionalism, but he never gets mentioned here. Wondering if there is a reason for that, since I was thinking of maybe picking up one of his books.

>> No.10757824 [View]
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what does /lit/ think of perennialism?

>> No.10206899 [View]
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God cannot abolish evil as such because it results from All-Possibility, which is ontologically “prior” to the personal God; consequently, God can only abolish a particular evil to the extent that, in so doing, He takes
account of the metaphysical necessity of evil in itself. The second answer in a way goes beyond
the first, to the point of appearing to contradict it: God, being good, in fact abolishes not only
particular evils but also evil as such; particular evils because everything has an ending, and evil
as such because—being subject in the last analysis to the same rule—it disappears as a result of the cosmic cycles and the effect of the Apocatastasis. Thus the formula vincit omnia Veritas applies not only to Truth but also to the Good in all its aspects. And this means likewise that there can never be any symmetry between Good and evil; evil has no being in itself, whereas the Good is the being of all things. The Good is That which is; Being and Good coincide.

>> No.10111088 [View]
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*blocks you from reading progressive literature*

>> No.9734477 [View]
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>> No.9586841 [View]
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What do anons think of Traditionalism and pic related? I've only discovered his work recently, curious to know.

>> No.3966658 [View]
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